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Current special Checkers - Valid from 05.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 05.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE 17% RIS Esa eee SAVE 19% apd BUYANY 2& a _ = ome Cac) Skeid eae tn Deke eta ld ern Iie ee Oey eV SOLUTIONS : oo BAKERY TCLS) SAVE 12% on ornare 7 comers 9 tetera ores asa cop eth reerehir aren Poe Ponca “wine route’ WE BRING THE WINE ROUTE TO YOU! ANY 2FOR SAVE R70 SAVE R60 p a 1 he Eels ele EX SNS ] Vo Ne ee Prepery SAVE R10 bE ¥ 2) SAVE R20 Cee J } aye A 4 at R80 Cn oe rarer) Cn ee) Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. COFFERS VALIO FROM S SEPTEMBER 2022 UNTH. 18 SEPTEMBER 2022. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS & CHECKERS HYPER STORES GAUTENG, BITS, KLERKSOORR, LIMPOPO, MPUMMALANGA, POTCHEFSTAGOM & RUSTENBURG, EXCEPT MAFIENG, LICKTENBURG & WELTEVREDEN PARK CHECKERS FOOOS.

Latest specials

SAVE 17% RIS Esa eee SAVE 19% apd BUYANY 2& a _ = ome Cac) Skeid eae tn Deke eta ld ern Iie ee Oey eV SOLUTIONS : oo BAKERY TCLS) SAVE 12% on ornare 7 comers 9 tetera ores asa cop eth reerehir aren Poe Ponca “wine route’ WE BRING THE WINE ROUTE TO YOU! ANY 2FOR SAVE R70 SAVE R60 p a 1 he Eels ele EX SNS ] Vo Ne ee Prepery SAVE R10 bE ¥ 2) SAVE R20 Cee J } aye A 4 at R80 Cn oe rarer) Cn ee) Not for Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. COFFERS VALIO FROM S SEPTEMBER 2022 UNTH. 18 SEPTEMBER 2022. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS & CHECKERS HYPER STORES GAUTENG, BITS, KLERKSOORR, LIMPOPO, MPUMMALANGA, POTCHEFSTAGOM & RUSTENBURG, EXCEPT MAFIENG, LICKTENBURG & WELTEVREDEN PARK CHECKERS FOOOS.

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