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Current special Boxer - Valid from 23.02 to 12.03 - Page nb 6

Special Boxer 23.02.2023 - 12.03.2023

Products in this catalogue

STAND A CHANCE TO Noe otmr MOT sms] 1a sts Bluetooth Headphones TO ENTER: 1. Buy any Evolve product ooo 2. Check your till slip )/ 3. Dial *120*26937*uniquenumber# (20c per 20 seconds) mee Bung Oe) COMPETITION VALI 23° FEBRUARY to 10" AP! ‘CUDDLERS Comfort Nappies Value 44's / 48s / 50's / 52's / 66's ——— path at DCA eC UU Pm eee Lk Anti-Perspirant PUES CRUE a wv ) f — = _ Ce ea Py ae ec ee Ce ed Penna er Pe en posal ao = | JOHNSON'S: Baby Jelly Assorted ‘500m! JOHNSOW'S Baby Wipes 56's / 72's iE = PY Cree CO acc’ . 6 Poa eed aed lee BABY STEPS Baby Oil 100ml / Body Wash 200ml / Baby Lotion 200m! / 2-In-1 Shampoo 100ml / Baby Powder Assorted 100g

Latest specials

STAND A CHANCE TO Noe otmr MOT sms] 1a sts Bluetooth Headphones TO ENTER: 1. Buy any Evolve product ooo 2. Check your till slip )/ 3. Dial *120*26937*uniquenumber# (20c per 20 seconds) mee Bung Oe) COMPETITION VALI 23° FEBRUARY to 10" AP! ‘CUDDLERS Comfort Nappies Value 44's / 48s / 50's / 52's / 66's ——— path at DCA eC UU Pm eee Lk Anti-Perspirant PUES CRUE a wv ) f — = _ Ce ea Py ae ec ee Ce ed Penna er Pe en posal ao = | JOHNSON'S: Baby Jelly Assorted ‘500m! JOHNSOW'S Baby Wipes 56's / 72's iE = PY Cree CO acc’ . 6 Poa eed aed lee BABY STEPS Baby Oil 100ml / Body Wash 200ml / Baby Lotion 200m! / 2-In-1 Shampoo 100ml / Baby Powder Assorted 100g

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