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Current special Spar - Valid from 12.12 to 25.12 - Page nb 1

Special Spar 12.12.2022 - 25.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

, C C — jou ager 4 . Liqui-Fruit Ne! I Ultramel 2) 100 % Fruit Juice a ; Re Ri Custard | ; aus Blend Assorted ot, 1 litre | § 2 ite Crosse & SPAR Blackwell UHT Milk Tangy and Full Cream, Creamy Low Fator 5 Mayonnaise Only 7509 (SPAR) | Exclusive to SPAR Rewards custome ! 1 E Tie beeen atone tt Pa si Ta Peat) Pee me pret oy pra) rr te Pet weneateer rs

Latest specials

, C C — jou ager 4 . Liqui-Fruit Ne! I Ultramel 2) 100 % Fruit Juice a ; Re Ri Custard | ; aus Blend Assorted ot, 1 litre | § 2 ite Crosse & SPAR Blackwell UHT Milk Tangy and Full Cream, Creamy Low Fator 5 Mayonnaise Only 7509 (SPAR) | Exclusive to SPAR Rewards custome ! 1 E Tie beeen atone tt Pa si Ta Peat) Pee me pret oy pra) rr te Pet weneateer rs

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