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Current special Game - Valid from 22.03 to 18.04 - Page nb 6

Special Game 22.03.2023 - 18.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

HEALTHY BABY, HEALTHY HOME THERE'S A MED FOR THAT! Babies are different, but at the core of it all, their growing bodies need care. And now and again they need extra attention to help them fight viruses and germs. IF your baby is feeling a little under the weather, we've got you with medication, vitamins and minerals @ Vi-daylin Immune Support Gummies 60s R109 each | @ Gummy Vites Vitamin Supplement Multivitamins Assorted 60 s R99 each | @ Vi-Daylin Syrup 150 mlOR Multivitamins Iron Drops 30mt R149 each | @ Scotts Emulsions Regular 100 mt R55 | © Pigeon Cotton Buds 100s R19 | © Pigeon Cotton Balls 100s R39 | @ Tiger Tetament Colic Drops 30 mt R129 each | © Tiger Telament Paediatric Gripe Water 150mt R39 | @ Panado Paediatric Syrup 100 mLOR Panado to help strengthen Infant Drops 20 mUR'5S each| @ Phipp's Milk of Magnesia Regular OR Futti Trutti Flavour their immune system. 100m| R59.99 each| @ Calpol Paediatric Suspension 100m R55 | @ Benylin Childrens Wet Cough 200 mt R89 | ® Vicks Baby Rub 90g R89 snookums nookums Babies are born -@ yr Naitcarexe == 3-Piece *Allsin-one manicure set Keeping babies’ Nails trimmed prevents them from scratching themselves or others. ‘Untrimmed baby nails are also unhygienic, es) Medical Starter Kit + Safety scissorsin acase 5 y Baby Grooming Set ‘Grooming gentie care YG 19 19 uu nookums pe Pe 6| SAGSGA1869 | DEALS VALID 22 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2028. Baby Shampoo Essentials Pump 500 mt with delicate skin. Bath time can eventually dry ‘out their skin, the use of baby oil combats flakiness while locking in the moisture. Baby Soap 175 9

Latest specials

HEALTHY BABY, HEALTHY HOME THERE'S A MED FOR THAT! Babies are different, but at the core of it all, their growing bodies need care. And now and again they need extra attention to help them fight viruses and germs. IF your baby is feeling a little under the weather, we've got you with medication, vitamins and minerals @ Vi-daylin Immune Support Gummies 60s R109 each | @ Gummy Vites Vitamin Supplement Multivitamins Assorted 60 s R99 each | @ Vi-Daylin Syrup 150 mlOR Multivitamins Iron Drops 30mt R149 each | @ Scotts Emulsions Regular 100 mt R55 | © Pigeon Cotton Buds 100s R19 | © Pigeon Cotton Balls 100s R39 | @ Tiger Tetament Colic Drops 30 mt R129 each | © Tiger Telament Paediatric Gripe Water 150mt R39 | @ Panado Paediatric Syrup 100 mLOR Panado to help strengthen Infant Drops 20 mUR'5S each| @ Phipp's Milk of Magnesia Regular OR Futti Trutti Flavour their immune system. 100m| R59.99 each| @ Calpol Paediatric Suspension 100m R55 | @ Benylin Childrens Wet Cough 200 mt R89 | ® Vicks Baby Rub 90g R89 snookums nookums Babies are born -@ yr Naitcarexe == 3-Piece *Allsin-one manicure set Keeping babies’ Nails trimmed prevents them from scratching themselves or others. ‘Untrimmed baby nails are also unhygienic, es) Medical Starter Kit + Safety scissorsin acase 5 y Baby Grooming Set ‘Grooming gentie care YG 19 19 uu nookums pe Pe 6| SAGSGA1869 | DEALS VALID 22 MARCH - 18 APRIL 2028. Baby Shampoo Essentials Pump 500 mt with delicate skin. Bath time can eventually dry ‘out their skin, the use of baby oil combats flakiness while locking in the moisture. Baby Soap 175 9

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