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Current special Checkers - Valid from 22.05 to 04.06 - Page nb 2

Special Checkers 22.05.2023 - 04.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Pee Croton SAVE R10 e 5 SAVE R50 SAVE R100 119° ; BS 549% zig 599% Sener Nena : sero Naby Breathe-Eez Braun Braun Braun Babywombworld ‘Nasal Aspirator Digital Thermometer TempleSwipe White Baby Nasal Aspirator 1 White Portable O+ Months. PRT2000 ‘Thermometer BST200 BNA100 Nebuliser Kit jollytot R. ® @ 78 ° ?@ @ : | saverso SAVE R200 . eee 3 cn Le ; § | 99% : | << g “oy Tota oer ® Miyu by Cherry pie? Melon maternity tree dlothing is designed exclusively for Checkers Little Me & proudly manutactured SAVE R20 SAVE R150 SAVE R500 in South Africa, 9999 24929 1499°9 Seca eee De ween comty feat Breast Basic Manual Breast age Far Me Electric i 9 Pads « 50 per pack Pump Set - 13-Plece ‘Single Breast Pump a AVAILABLE a Tr = ry ee Gad TOE Joie Bumbo medelasy vtech PRICES VALID FROM MONDAY 22 MAY 2023 UNTIL SUNDAY 04 JUNE 2023. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS LITTLE ME ROOOEPOORT, 14TH AVENUE DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTRE, CORNER OF WILLIAM NICOL & CONSTANTIA DRIVES, CONSTANTIA KLOOF, DL usd O nary Page?

Latest specials

Pee Croton SAVE R10 e 5 SAVE R50 SAVE R100 119° ; BS 549% zig 599% Sener Nena : sero Naby Breathe-Eez Braun Braun Braun Babywombworld ‘Nasal Aspirator Digital Thermometer TempleSwipe White Baby Nasal Aspirator 1 White Portable O+ Months. PRT2000 ‘Thermometer BST200 BNA100 Nebuliser Kit jollytot R. ® @ 78 ° ?@ @ : | saverso SAVE R200 . eee 3 cn Le ; § | 99% : | << g “oy Tota oer ® Miyu by Cherry pie? Melon maternity tree dlothing is designed exclusively for Checkers Little Me & proudly manutactured SAVE R20 SAVE R150 SAVE R500 in South Africa, 9999 24929 1499°9 Seca eee De ween comty feat Breast Basic Manual Breast age Far Me Electric i 9 Pads « 50 per pack Pump Set - 13-Plece ‘Single Breast Pump a AVAILABLE a Tr = ry ee Gad TOE Joie Bumbo medelasy vtech PRICES VALID FROM MONDAY 22 MAY 2023 UNTIL SUNDAY 04 JUNE 2023. PRICES APPLY TO CHECKERS LITTLE ME ROOOEPOORT, 14TH AVENUE DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTRE, CORNER OF WILLIAM NICOL & CONSTANTIA DRIVES, CONSTANTIA KLOOF, DL usd O nary Page?

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