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Current special Boxer - Valid from 25.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 1

Special Boxer 25.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

c | lh ae y comMETRUE MORE LOW PRICES - MORE FREE DEALS - MORE WINNERS GOLDI -_ Ta SASKO 1OF Mixed Tt 37% Fat Spread preniieen . Chicken OU Tub ww Slices White = : ci \ Portions = Bread PREMIUM SLICE} sLices EMIUMS avatars a a aaa tt rake 2 | LUCKY STAR a os COCA-COLA Pilchards b Original Soft Drinks Assorted Perce TAR fs Ty Te el TASTIC Long Grain Parboiled White Rice 10kg, arin PARMALAT SHIBOBO Super Maize Meal 10kg & SNOWFLAKE Cake Wheat Flour 10kg Seca a EverFresh Long Life Milk Assorted ADDRESS: EMBALENHLE EKHAYA MALL, ; : EMBALENHLE ROAD, EMBALENHLE, EXT 26 PRICES VALID: 25/10/2022 - 06/11/2022

Latest specials

c | lh ae y comMETRUE MORE LOW PRICES - MORE FREE DEALS - MORE WINNERS GOLDI -_ Ta SASKO 1OF Mixed Tt 37% Fat Spread preniieen . Chicken OU Tub ww Slices White = : ci \ Portions = Bread PREMIUM SLICE} sLices EMIUMS avatars a a aaa tt rake 2 | LUCKY STAR a os COCA-COLA Pilchards b Original Soft Drinks Assorted Perce TAR fs Ty Te el TASTIC Long Grain Parboiled White Rice 10kg, arin PARMALAT SHIBOBO Super Maize Meal 10kg & SNOWFLAKE Cake Wheat Flour 10kg Seca a EverFresh Long Life Milk Assorted ADDRESS: EMBALENHLE EKHAYA MALL, ; : EMBALENHLE ROAD, EMBALENHLE, EXT 26 PRICES VALID: 25/10/2022 - 06/11/2022

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