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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 08.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 08.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

A ee SAVE 500 a ek) E5299 oe Weegee 109 aren en Total Payable E6 at 24% Int Eells berg aah id Water os DAC449 “ ENERGY RATING H 1710mm W 540mm NERGY RATING. H_ 842mm W 475mm D 448mm Guarantee ene 7] SAVE £3500 E13499 Deposit £1350 se PRICE fel Sa Eafe [oS overdo 5999 biel 4-lee gales) PUA Dispenser H670SMIB-WD « 5-Year Guarantee E12999 E2899 E3899 ai Deposit E1300. D it E290. si Be, ihe, mit,, fear i Payable £15879 : 6 amen at24% ht eer ches 2 Nour Guarantee a = Hisense Hite Satin-Metallic i Ley aU Side-by-Side white Prous eres Freezer-Fridge H125CF lags cog with Water za * 2-Year Race ck eal Dispenser ENERGY Guarantee ATING BULLS RATING, DFF 447/458 RATING = Dispenser H 1785mm °342 Years H_ 890mm ee W 910mm (with W 575mm erent D 700mm registration) D 495mm Guarantee ' Warranty am foo ceed Ht H 1042mm H_ 1072mm H 845mm. nome £3499 fer E4990" E4399 D 06mm ERS 30 Months, D sé5mm Fig6x s0 eas D 530mm £189 30 Months. ee Total Payable £4419 Total Payable E5619 Total Payable £5499, at 24% Int. te ==: at 24% Int. at 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense evel Grey Twin-Tub Ton Load Top-Loader ee Washing Weohing or Washing Machine Neal conned Machine | Weis Drm80” DTL156 wie © 2-Year o2N WTJA1302T Guarantee eee * 2-Year SEs NOW 0 SAVE ‘200 SAMSUNG 100 Digital E4999 E4799 iirerooor + E1499 Deposit £520. Deposit 180 Microwave Deposit £150, Toalfoyatecssro £72x30Mone | Oven Tal Pyate £2070 ayable fotal Payable eas Toaltpie 270 MEBSXIFA tal ° 2-Year Guarantee Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove Dss694 ° 3-Year Warranty = \VE 1 Fussell Hobbs a B Warranty Guarantee ) 3-Burner salton zi Boiling Table Mini Oven E1799 08/300C SFMKO2 Deposit £180. * Contents E79 x 30 Months. not included Total Payable E2370 at 24% Int ey

Latest specials

A ee SAVE 500 a ek) E5299 oe Weegee 109 aren en Total Payable E6 at 24% Int Eells berg aah id Water os DAC449 “ ENERGY RATING H 1710mm W 540mm NERGY RATING. H_ 842mm W 475mm D 448mm Guarantee ene 7] SAVE £3500 E13499 Deposit £1350 se PRICE fel Sa Eafe [oS overdo 5999 biel 4-lee gales) PUA Dispenser H670SMIB-WD « 5-Year Guarantee E12999 E2899 E3899 ai Deposit E1300. D it E290. si Be, ihe, mit,, fear i Payable £15879 : 6 amen at24% ht eer ches 2 Nour Guarantee a = Hisense Hite Satin-Metallic i Ley aU Side-by-Side white Prous eres Freezer-Fridge H125CF lags cog with Water za * 2-Year Race ck eal Dispenser ENERGY Guarantee ATING BULLS RATING, DFF 447/458 RATING = Dispenser H 1785mm °342 Years H_ 890mm ee W 910mm (with W 575mm erent D 700mm registration) D 495mm Guarantee ' Warranty am foo ceed Ht H 1042mm H_ 1072mm H 845mm. nome £3499 fer E4990" E4399 D 06mm ERS 30 Months, D sé5mm Fig6x s0 eas D 530mm £189 30 Months. ee Total Payable £4419 Total Payable E5619 Total Payable £5499, at 24% Int. te ==: at 24% Int. at 24% Int. at 24% Int. Hisense evel Grey Twin-Tub Ton Load Top-Loader ee Washing Weohing or Washing Machine Neal conned Machine | Weis Drm80” DTL156 wie © 2-Year o2N WTJA1302T Guarantee eee * 2-Year SEs NOW 0 SAVE ‘200 SAMSUNG 100 Digital E4999 E4799 iirerooor + E1499 Deposit £520. Deposit 180 Microwave Deposit £150, Toalfoyatecssro £72x30Mone | Oven Tal Pyate £2070 ayable fotal Payable eas Toaltpie 270 MEBSXIFA tal ° 2-Year Guarantee Black 4-Plate Kitchenaire Stove Dss694 ° 3-Year Warranty = \VE 1 Fussell Hobbs a B Warranty Guarantee ) 3-Burner salton zi Boiling Table Mini Oven E1799 08/300C SFMKO2 Deposit £180. * Contents E79 x 30 Months. not included Total Payable E2370 at 24% Int ey

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