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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 03.01 to 15.01 - Page nb 1

Special OK Furniture 03.01.2023 - 15.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

WE SAVE te) |= WITH OUR LOWEST resem Cpe Spe Deposit P640. Total Payable P7899 at 24% Int. CASH PRICE P6399, SAVE Silverton MKil Corner Lounge Suite Pe resetolt ae eL-e] a Se) P4499 Valentino Sleeper Couch PE ned oc Rens Lounge Suite Oe nan Tn 7 7 et oS ast ee 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite | SAVEP1500 Deposit ss0. Reoukonet ae Pea etn Soom re ure ire P5 499 saree tery SA emel cca ele RIE) Pein Pree eet a aielle] Beran essa reN ICY

Latest specials

WE SAVE te) |= WITH OUR LOWEST resem Cpe Spe Deposit P640. Total Payable P7899 at 24% Int. CASH PRICE P6399, SAVE Silverton MKil Corner Lounge Suite Pe resetolt ae eL-e] a Se) P4499 Valentino Sleeper Couch PE ned oc Rens Lounge Suite Oe nan Tn 7 7 et oS ast ee 2-Piece Duchess Bedroom Suite | SAVEP1500 Deposit ss0. Reoukonet ae Pea etn Soom re ure ire P5 499 saree tery SA emel cca ele RIE) Pein Pree eet a aielle] Beran essa reN ICY

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