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Current special OK Foods - Western Cape - Valid from 18.07 to 06.08 - Page nb 1

Special OK Foods 18.07.2023 - 06.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

Soustraal Corner of Hebron & Fisant street, Sonstraal Tel: 021 207 6831 Trading hours: Monday - Sunday: 7 am - 8 pm (including Public Holidays) = a ust GENALS J 5 one ONLY AVAILABLE AT OK URBAN SONSTRAAL, WESTERN CAPE. Prices valid from 18 July to 6 August 2023. All prices include VAT. Offer lid while stocks last. Selected items it be available at @ OKFDtalks @ OKFoods_hq _ werwrntsmntersrstarptuimemancie HEAD OFFICE CARELINE: 021 505 4400 or EMAIL:

Latest specials

Soustraal Corner of Hebron & Fisant street, Sonstraal Tel: 021 207 6831 Trading hours: Monday - Sunday: 7 am - 8 pm (including Public Holidays) = a ust GENALS J 5 one ONLY AVAILABLE AT OK URBAN SONSTRAAL, WESTERN CAPE. Prices valid from 18 July to 6 August 2023. All prices include VAT. Offer lid while stocks last. Selected items it be available at @ OKFDtalks @ OKFoods_hq _ werwrntsmntersrstarptuimemancie HEAD OFFICE CARELINE: 021 505 4400 or EMAIL:

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