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Current special Makro - Valid from 06.12 to 06.02 - Page nb 12

Special Makro 06.12.2025 - 06.02.2026

Products in this catalogue

CONTRACT DEALS e SAMSUNG Galaxy $24 FE Galaxy Al 44,is here STAUNTON Cr] AVsya- aa a Samsung Galaxy S24 2.6GB RED CORE 1.3GB RED CORE R999 athe) Sy 299 het) Hedi eae oa Dec ReMi te 100 Minutes eur gee omc RED Flexi 150 contract onthe second device PMx36* Peer et ec CNTR tec tere eat Lp sey) Standard terms and conditions apply. All contract deals are subject to a 36-month Vodacom contract anda once-off SIM and connection fee of R204 on all new contracts, unless otherwise stated. All deals Biopsies nu ecto ere ee tne meena tt eee Pro od itech eect ierenu Nee ene eae

Latest specials

CONTRACT DEALS e SAMSUNG Galaxy $24 FE Galaxy Al 44,is here STAUNTON Cr] AVsya- aa a Samsung Galaxy S24 2.6GB RED CORE 1.3GB RED CORE R999 athe) Sy 299 het) Hedi eae oa Dec ReMi te 100 Minutes eur gee omc RED Flexi 150 contract onthe second device PMx36* Peer et ec CNTR tec tere eat Lp sey) Standard terms and conditions apply. All contract deals are subject to a 36-month Vodacom contract anda once-off SIM and connection fee of R204 on all new contracts, unless otherwise stated. All deals Biopsies nu ecto ere ee tne meena tt eee Pro od itech eect ierenu Nee ene eae

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