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Current special Makro - Valid from 05.09 to 18.09 - Page nb 15

Special Makro 05.09.2022 - 18.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

Tefal — Log 5 Cala of 1 mond 24 a pt mi eh, 24 by pom ee EXCELLENT HOUSEWARE Non-Stick Roasting Pan Sau: 39 Rx 2? iol xB om Dewy mo M9 Ga) SAVE 300 Ad ee = @ Russell Hobbs hs Sy, Se 2¢ond 3.7 ¢ Roaster Set PRIMARIES Golateo Diar Red, White pea 12-Piece Square Dinner Set Wine or Champagne Glasses See eee een ayasny, 376331; 50-Piece Food Saver Set Semi ad $5.34, b= 164 5x 00m 299 2 400 ml 3 = 380 wh, 54200 ml od 18 120 md veroiors ell wah ade os ime GLODINA Volos Beach eel 249 Zero Twist Towel Range Setar aoee ‘ec sere lasts aeeta ROMATEX Go tains [499 - 999 37/2072 Makro DIP TVX MANIGMI6416. Promotion valid from Monday 5 September te Sundoy 18 September 2022

Latest specials

Tefal — Log 5 Cala of 1 mond 24 a pt mi eh, 24 by pom ee EXCELLENT HOUSEWARE Non-Stick Roasting Pan Sau: 39 Rx 2? iol xB om Dewy mo M9 Ga) SAVE 300 Ad ee = @ Russell Hobbs hs Sy, Se 2¢ond 3.7 ¢ Roaster Set PRIMARIES Golateo Diar Red, White pea 12-Piece Square Dinner Set Wine or Champagne Glasses See eee een ayasny, 376331; 50-Piece Food Saver Set Semi ad $5.34, b= 164 5x 00m 299 2 400 ml 3 = 380 wh, 54200 ml od 18 120 md veroiors ell wah ade os ime GLODINA Volos Beach eel 249 Zero Twist Towel Range Setar aoee ‘ec sere lasts aeeta ROMATEX Go tains [499 - 999 37/2072 Makro DIP TVX MANIGMI6416. Promotion valid from Monday 5 September te Sundoy 18 September 2022

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