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Current special House & Home - Valid from 30.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 7

Special House & Home 30.11.2021 - 30.11.2021

Products in this catalogue

[eK * — we - i) @EFY) (@EFY) ee nium Metallic Bottom-Freezer Inox-Finish : WanrouTan Baines Steel- KBFESSME ae Bottom- Water-on-Tap + 2-Year Guarantee Freezer 3 Rios ie aad FOO as DAC627 DAC675 + 4-Year +3 +2 Years +3 +2 Years Guarantee Cwith with registration) registration) S AVE P200 P 4699 2 Warranty Warranty 179 PMX 30 months. P420 deposit. : , Total payable P5190 at 23% interest SAVEP200 fj P4699 P6999 x ' SAVE P300 ENERGY j SAVE P200 Hy 17soren ! TECHNOLOGY W 600mm - D 650mm Hisense Black SDEFY Glass je ‘ Chest Freezer Pints bets DMF470 CF210 Wat *3 +2 Years ee (with registration) on-Tap Warranty bye “ta wannanty ————____ reso Cee tod SS ae Fridge ridge wi He70SM18-WD Ice Dispenser SAVE P300 + 4-Year GC-J247CQBV Guarantee P10999 P29999 faz Ey ea ARS Asie ee SAVE P4000 A\BSERGY amar wom €Ce D 618mm D 725mm TwireTub Top-Loader Meahettan Ore Manhattan Grey 5-Programme Homing Washing Machine Washing Machine DDW232 + 2-Year Warranty DTTI51 + 2-Year Warranty + 3-Year P2999 P3499 ean P3999 NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY SAVE P300 P169 PM X 30 months. P40 deposit. Total payable P4950 at 23% interest. —_— 8B AC ENERGY RATING re ENERGY RATING JH 840mm W_ 600mm }D 450mm H 850mm MONEY MARKET SERVICE computickot - Travel - Airtime « Accounts « Money Transfers « Propaid Electricity « Municipal Accounts + Cash Withdrawals 7.

Latest specials

[eK * — we - i) @EFY) (@EFY) ee nium Metallic Bottom-Freezer Inox-Finish : WanrouTan Baines Steel- KBFESSME ae Bottom- Water-on-Tap + 2-Year Guarantee Freezer 3 Rios ie aad FOO as DAC627 DAC675 + 4-Year +3 +2 Years +3 +2 Years Guarantee Cwith with registration) registration) S AVE P200 P 4699 2 Warranty Warranty 179 PMX 30 months. P420 deposit. : , Total payable P5190 at 23% interest SAVEP200 fj P4699 P6999 x ' SAVE P300 ENERGY j SAVE P200 Hy 17soren ! TECHNOLOGY W 600mm - D 650mm Hisense Black SDEFY Glass je ‘ Chest Freezer Pints bets DMF470 CF210 Wat *3 +2 Years ee (with registration) on-Tap Warranty bye “ta wannanty ————____ reso Cee tod SS ae Fridge ridge wi He70SM18-WD Ice Dispenser SAVE P300 + 4-Year GC-J247CQBV Guarantee P10999 P29999 faz Ey ea ARS Asie ee SAVE P4000 A\BSERGY amar wom €Ce D 618mm D 725mm TwireTub Top-Loader Meahettan Ore Manhattan Grey 5-Programme Homing Washing Machine Washing Machine DDW232 + 2-Year Warranty DTTI51 + 2-Year Warranty + 3-Year P2999 P3499 ean P3999 NOW ONLY NOW ONLY NOW ONLY SAVE P300 P169 PM X 30 months. P40 deposit. Total payable P4950 at 23% interest. —_— 8B AC ENERGY RATING re ENERGY RATING JH 840mm W_ 600mm }D 450mm H 850mm MONEY MARKET SERVICE computickot - Travel - Airtime « Accounts « Money Transfers « Propaid Electricity « Municipal Accounts + Cash Withdrawals 7.

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