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P3 grm Hisense P129 PM x 30 EFY P169PM x30 (OEFY, 79 iu Steel Gas /electie st Heosdaei iio" 4-Plate Black Stove —pissstSeaaen” Oven & Hob P900 Deposit. Total payable eel Gas/Electric Stove 3 it Box Sat P1250 at 26% interest, «sd HES9QOSGES/90GASE SAVE P509 2+1 Year (with SAVE P609 ‘Se at 2 istration) * 2-Year Guarantee Warranty . rs +1 Year with per set registration) NERGY TING U P89 PM x 30 200 deposit. Total payabl P2619 at 26% interest. u P129 PM x 30 300 deposit. Total payable P3879 at 26% interest 2elica SAVE P149 Stainless Steel 4-Burner Gas Curved Glass On Glass Hob SAVE P609 Coukarhoed SAVE P709 Duosos CIRCU: + 2-Year Warranty Manual Microwave Oven DMO381 - 700W + 2-Year Warranty iS + 2-Year Guarantee £2200 Warranty P149 PM x 30 350 deposit. Total payable P4479 at 26% interest. SAVE P709, Black Inverter Microwave Oven MSS696HIT + 2-Year Guarantee SAVE P79” SAVE P99°° SAVE P249 SAVE P209 mag eto — KENWOOD @ Fussell Hobbs SAVE P&S owerglide z jane jixer 1 Black HMP2 Slow Cooker . fess a Cordless +300) Ry eee 4-Way High +220 Kettle ete urge * 2200W excluded Multiplug .¢ P59 PM x30 @ Bennett Read P59 PI SAVE P149 P79 PM X30 PLETE aD 6 piece Copper & cial baa ressacsune SAVE pg SAVE P209 Rock Pot Set = SAVE P409 @ Bennett Read SAVE P509 — 2.0 LED a @ Bennett Read @ Bennett Read Lantern Digital Air Fryer Misting Fan = E107 | ~= 40cm] Y NOT APPLICABLE ON BIG GREEN SALE PURCHASES. Ts & Cs APPL) & customer care line: 0861 00 8861 / 0861 11 3213 Tem and Coton: pices advertised are appcable within Gaborone Botswana ~ (00267) 2809027. top 18, Cx Apart Junction and At Franistown Road on. stalment pes doled include VA nest and but excl surance and delivery charges. No Deposit and terms subject to credit approval. ll credit applications are subject to credit check and aordabilty ass ost may hay epost Provide your test months pays, fo! fresdence not cdr tan months and monly expense deta ensure rapid star pean Fd aye cheaper a any ater eae rote aque ocuretaoqe ard we wil hd he ence us 5% he citerence, Tiss conor on the day of te prchase om Hou i the period ak odo ret: chr xn Se Oper, Cerne nt Cary oer pos eae ns at va dare ae a ast ange, al products may mation be wil disp a notice al te coed tas Ra Daler alowed Shope Cocker PL va House & Home & a Autrsed Franca Sarco Proir an Shope venetian unas Cet Protec Pod be oA compan NORCPEOS) P RICES: VALID FROM 20 - 30 MARCH 2025, WHILE STOCKS LAST. branches hamever oe 0 ou 99S BOBOHHE72 There’s no place like -Hlouse ‘Sr liome
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