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Current special Game - Valid from 07.03 to 03.04 - Page nb 3

Special Game 07.03.2023 - 03.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

There's Nothing Quite Like iPhone CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + SOOMB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Owd Pat 368 Video GBPMx3) 64GBROM Start-up data bundle for contracts {once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) ted Stores Or warranty aa) Porte) iPhone XR CPO 64GB -for- CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Owt 3GBRAM 3GB Video Ticket (IGB PM x3 64GB ROM Start-up data bundle for contracts {once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) *s Only warranty Offers valid trom 07 Mar - 03 Ape 2023, Standard terms and conditions apply. Contract dea statements. For ful terms and conditions and qualifying devices vist and All Dea! are subject to signing a new 24/36>month Vodacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection fee of R204 on all ew Contracts unless otherwise stated. Subject to RICA and in-store activation of @ Prepaid Starter Pack. VAT inclusive. E8OE. All Once-off Data bun and inctuding the day of purchase. Git cards are not included in Prepaid deats. Gift cards may not be redeemed for cash oF as payment on instalment. Pease bring ID book. proof of address, and 3 months’ bank valid while 3110 man 12MP Front iPhone 11 64GB CONTRACT Rear New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + 500MB Night Owt por 3GB Video Ticket (1GBPMx3) 64GB ROM Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-cff Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) lected Stores Or warranty P farang) Crit 2815 man 12MP Front iPhone 12 128GB CPO CONTRACT 12MP Rear " “4 sr 15.5em New & Upgrade Contracts " BRE +50 Minutes he + SOOMB Data Anytime *500MB Ni , SOE NPR OM 6 GB RAM deo Ticket (1GB PI Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-otf Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) 3) 128GBROM @ Oni warranty OL: ss wil have validRy up untt 23:59 of the 30th day from cs Last. Theft cover - this insurance product is underwritten by Vodacom ‘eno So wncorrecten Insurance Company, a ixensed non-life insurer Terms and condions apply visit The allocation of the additional data and voice minutes are on new lines only and not on upgrade or prepad.on double Une deals only the main ine wil receive the allocation of the addtional data and voice minutes SACSGAIB76. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID EROM 07 MAR - OZ APR 2023 3

Latest specials

There's Nothing Quite Like iPhone CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + SOOMB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Owd Pat 368 Video GBPMx3) 64GBROM Start-up data bundle for contracts {once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) ted Stores Or warranty aa) Porte) iPhone XR CPO 64GB -for- CONTRACT New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + SOOMB Night Owt 3GBRAM 3GB Video Ticket (IGB PM x3 64GB ROM Start-up data bundle for contracts {once-off Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) *s Only warranty Offers valid trom 07 Mar - 03 Ape 2023, Standard terms and conditions apply. Contract dea statements. For ful terms and conditions and qualifying devices vist and All Dea! are subject to signing a new 24/36>month Vodacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection fee of R204 on all ew Contracts unless otherwise stated. Subject to RICA and in-store activation of @ Prepaid Starter Pack. VAT inclusive. E8OE. All Once-off Data bun and inctuding the day of purchase. Git cards are not included in Prepaid deats. Gift cards may not be redeemed for cash oF as payment on instalment. Pease bring ID book. proof of address, and 3 months’ bank valid while 3110 man 12MP Front iPhone 11 64GB CONTRACT Rear New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 500MB Data Anytime + 500MB Night Owt por 3GB Video Ticket (1GBPMx3) 64GB ROM Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-cff Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) lected Stores Or warranty P farang) Crit 2815 man 12MP Front iPhone 12 128GB CPO CONTRACT 12MP Rear " “4 sr 15.5em New & Upgrade Contracts " BRE +50 Minutes he + SOOMB Data Anytime *500MB Ni , SOE NPR OM 6 GB RAM deo Ticket (1GB PI Start-up data bundle for contracts (once-otf Anytime Data, valid for 30 days) 3) 128GBROM @ Oni warranty OL: ss wil have validRy up untt 23:59 of the 30th day from cs Last. Theft cover - this insurance product is underwritten by Vodacom ‘eno So wncorrecten Insurance Company, a ixensed non-life insurer Terms and condions apply visit The allocation of the additional data and voice minutes are on new lines only and not on upgrade or prepad.on double Une deals only the main ine wil receive the allocation of the addtional data and voice minutes SACSGAIB76. RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID EROM 07 MAR - OZ APR 2023 3

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