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Current special Game - Black Friday 2025 - Valid from 07.11 to 05.12 - Page nb 20

Special Game 07.11.2024 - 05.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

SAMSUNG Galaxy Galaxy ale A25 5G gt. AWD Ly ecole Galaxy SAMSUNG o eae} Cored Powerful Battery rote cori td aa ® SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Galaxy A15 Xé6a Galaxy A25 Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone PMx36.0n pena hog Rey New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 650MB Data Anytime inytir *'6SOMB Night Ow! + 650MB Night Owl 50H Anytime + Promo 80 PM x36 t Owl Value G0 Airtime Value PM +50 Minutes + 650MB Data Anytime + 650MB Night Ow! ‘500MB Anytim 500M Night Ow! Value PM Laid dere aac MA Lee cdelA d Peete tn Standard toms and conditions apply. Contract coals aro subject o signing a new 24/36-month Vodacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection feo of 8204 on all fiecety tachigs lates abisbes tun! Frere sa cee eae ee et eae PACS RATA Se gl oc ek ALL Ered Pessina Be rea RCL Lea Sete Merk en a ne ule Coa Mean Ha ee coher oa ae Feat Tilt ae isa ate Le ee eee eC ee Maegan eH ean rea Lecanto ei nee ty rile sl ee ipa eecree Perera bor ner aries ae iistore Se yA fA ceo enea cess Ce eS 5 ra or DT (9) CON Ya icici) rs x gy Pees uth ie hea Se eR ee Per meCd 0861 Game Care (4263 2273) GameStoresSA Rs ally ell Seria xk (6) Ey ora CMa oat

Latest specials

SAMSUNG Galaxy Galaxy ale A25 5G gt. AWD Ly ecole Galaxy SAMSUNG o eae} Cored Powerful Battery rote cori td aa ® SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Galaxy A15 Xé6a Galaxy A25 Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone PMx36.0n pena hog Rey New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts +50 Minutes + 650MB Data Anytime inytir *'6SOMB Night Ow! + 650MB Night Owl 50H Anytime + Promo 80 PM x36 t Owl Value G0 Airtime Value PM +50 Minutes + 650MB Data Anytime + 650MB Night Ow! ‘500MB Anytim 500M Night Ow! Value PM Laid dere aac MA Lee cdelA d Peete tn Standard toms and conditions apply. Contract coals aro subject o signing a new 24/36-month Vodacom Contract and a once off SIM and connection feo of 8204 on all fiecety tachigs lates abisbes tun! Frere sa cee eae ee et eae PACS RATA Se gl oc ek ALL Ered Pessina Be rea RCL Lea Sete Merk en a ne ule Coa Mean Ha ee coher oa ae Feat Tilt ae isa ate Le ee eee eC ee Maegan eH ean rea Lecanto ei nee ty rile sl ee ipa eecree Perera bor ner aries ae iistore Se yA fA ceo enea cess Ce eS 5 ra or DT (9) CON Ya icici) rs x gy Pees uth ie hea Se eR ee Per meCd 0861 Game Care (4263 2273) GameStoresSA Rs ally ell Seria xk (6) Ey ora CMa oat

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