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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 09.10 to 15.10 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 09.10.2023 - 15.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

——— Specials Valid Until Sunday 15 October 2023 Summer Salads Assorted 4 1x Family Chicken Meal, 3 FOR 1x Coca-Cola 1.5 L N$100__(@N$150 Strawberry Punnets 250 9, Avocados or Blueberry wpaws or Guava Punnets Punnets 1: ANY 2 FOR ANY. ai FOR FOOD KEE) N$50 8% @ © Spinach Pillow Packs or exseot|) execors &,| Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg a = ANY 3 FOR 4:Plece Sushi platter (Salmon 4s, California Rolls 4s or Fashion Sandwiches 4s) we gt ‘ > 14 6 b = 0 SoostbAPS Goosebumps Cinnabuns ‘5 FOR ' ANY 2 FOR 14°. | +N$20_; N$149 Sr planer ae ee ee pete nant ee mere ar eee anu orange vir ae TST) Foes RC pst Lest Shopping Boo a a eee LM dt Megas) GUARANTEED! GI} Slat bo srs free Cee eae ce ees Se eon

Latest specials

——— Specials Valid Until Sunday 15 October 2023 Summer Salads Assorted 4 1x Family Chicken Meal, 3 FOR 1x Coca-Cola 1.5 L N$100__(@N$150 Strawberry Punnets 250 9, Avocados or Blueberry wpaws or Guava Punnets Punnets 1: ANY 2 FOR ANY. ai FOR FOOD KEE) N$50 8% @ © Spinach Pillow Packs or exseot|) execors &,| Carrot Thriftpacks 1 kg a = ANY 3 FOR 4:Plece Sushi platter (Salmon 4s, California Rolls 4s or Fashion Sandwiches 4s) we gt ‘ > 14 6 b = 0 SoostbAPS Goosebumps Cinnabuns ‘5 FOR ' ANY 2 FOR 14°. | +N$20_; N$149 Sr planer ae ee ee pete nant ee mere ar eee anu orange vir ae TST) Foes RC pst Lest Shopping Boo a a eee LM dt Megas) GUARANTEED! GI} Slat bo srs free Cee eae ce ees Se eon

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