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Current special Checkers - Valid from 15.06 to 18.06 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 15.06.2023 - 18.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

59” eR : t | iy read Cred ete oat Cea es — pete rs : =< —<onshine — 2 Sox, \ sunshine Sunshine D ivD original Margarine \ 2 <ensine = Dewfresh oxeum swce!' =< a 2x 500g Salted Butter WHITE \ 4 ’ bad i cen sees WHITE OREAD nshin? aad i Sui BUY 2 FOR Che moo ane aes Sunshine = » Je we = a = - =i —= Sasko Promium Sunshine D = Mama's Today Frozen Slices White Broad Original Fat 2 Frozen Pies Putt Pastry/Short 2x 700g Spread All Variants Crust Pastry &, ewe BUY ANY3& BUY ANY3& esr aes Ry2roR ny 2FoR =a a _ =a = = Dendne Urn Mel -«Pacnsiat ier! —«Cloverknam 00% © Danane'You Sip Danonettra Mel Danong Numany Dairy iene Cine sarc na emruacetce _Prrany Yeon Mane Oe vane Cee eS ay ey ANTS eS AP TS an valet ren SE Aven SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE R13 R16 23% R11 = UR VAS ae CU Uae a TRY Scan here for ee Oto ta Po Cth nett nto bade ned Page

Latest specials

59” eR : t | iy read Cred ete oat Cea es — pete rs : =< —<onshine — 2 Sox, \ sunshine Sunshine D ivD original Margarine \ 2 <ensine = Dewfresh oxeum swce!' =< a 2x 500g Salted Butter WHITE \ 4 ’ bad i cen sees WHITE OREAD nshin? aad i Sui BUY 2 FOR Che moo ane aes Sunshine = » Je we = a = - =i —= Sasko Promium Sunshine D = Mama's Today Frozen Slices White Broad Original Fat 2 Frozen Pies Putt Pastry/Short 2x 700g Spread All Variants Crust Pastry &, ewe BUY ANY3& BUY ANY3& esr aes Ry2roR ny 2FoR =a a _ =a = = Dendne Urn Mel -«Pacnsiat ier! —«Cloverknam 00% © Danane'You Sip Danonettra Mel Danong Numany Dairy iene Cine sarc na emruacetce _Prrany Yeon Mane Oe vane Cee eS ay ey ANTS eS AP TS an valet ren SE Aven SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE R13 R16 23% R11 = UR VAS ae CU Uae a TRY Scan here for ee Oto ta Po Cth nett nto bade ned Page

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