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MSc CLUE AEDS CO AGa CL) CE ™. ADVANGE LAMPE er ener eee CASH &, CARRY Thursday 6th Mar until Wednesday 12th Mar 2025 UE ST aa eg es sae nS if. |) Wxoilctispa , C Gold ne 7 ba 20 3 Olive oil) | Aen beat) Cho iim tea) TPT a een Pitsana Maize Meal} Cup Final Maize Meal Impala m La Familia 1 W _ = & 2.5kg a i) 2.5k9 f peter : | ym io) Fa ie Fag A é (Coconut Oil in rt athalird ~ } “Lafamilia 1 } a } 5 are 12.51 Power| a . = Maize Meal BT Eu UU eLceaee White Star : veal e = ge L ai | Maize (® a 2) PEYTIELS 5 ; og Meal 4 2. 2.5kgx8's 5kg 12.5 x Osman 1 te ster pea C a9 " me om 2 ~N a et King Korn Monati Mabela it i 2kg jj Golden Delight Rice Mariana) se vio tees Flair Pan Rice kg] Golden Delight Ric d'lite Rice Mabela Coarse | = " a . 1 rercxousay _ 109 Rice] Sazaa ee! rs ey ice oo ne aan “ ee } if " _" 10k Sy q_vtite Rice Wolis G ux the Ich 5 i ie a koma _2kg = ae Excella Rice IM) Allsome Rice fl Bron eat Fizzay rt tly TT 10kg #Y . oko x10 tk x 15 Basmati ‘ | ( x 10's \ aly 4 { yo 2 = : Ga | es Rice =| <i 2kg x 10's sf |) ; ‘ oa ones | Pee ii Shakti Bhog ‘ Iwisa Maize Rice wisa Tower Same Shaya Biryani Shai Bog pooled Saito a Manes SnowFlake Delite | - Se ; 10K ; eee SSelf es a I = sey ee, & 2 ~~ Rising Flair} ene cae Far 2508s CEST | Sesto ate Fw as 7 EO2 an ite 2.5kc & J) Cake] @ 1 4 : white}} § Brown on Flour} } Bread] | = Bread} cane é& ( | f _fieer re ee rom i ee ; oe ce 4 a ‘ x wat 5" : a : , iW {ll I }Hay Day ee ee Golden Cloud} .....Fairy Light } qugggiGolden Cloud | Flair Pop corn Brenco| Brenco: 2 ike Flour |, eam Cake Flour| Cake Flour is ey Samp) Green ease] & Beans} |" “Split Peas Quit & a tgs : zou Brenco Brenco Sugar Beans = , oe e mee og, =," — ~ =Red Lentils \ al ° jlo (4 :) (2) (2) F E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only
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