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Current special Tupperware - Valid from 05.07 to 08.08 - Page nb 22

Special Tupperware 05.07.2023 - 08.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

\ ,_ 161248 Quick Shake (500 ml) WASR209 \ AA 168993 x | io “Large Wonder SAVE R90 WASR1T x. \ 7 a c 3 SAVE R50 “Colours may vary 163407 | 126970 Bakers Delight | Micro Delight WASR289 | was Ri3g ary yer CoN AON : BIN 2 44 | The SAVER70 | SAVER40 162278 ee 162436 Mini Signature Rectangle (980 ml) . WASRO7E Allegra Sugar Dispenser \A LAO WAS R279 SAVE R110 ak gl Fas) SAVE R150 144194 Outdoor Dining Cutlery WAS RIzg SAVE R60 | —_ 163898 Legacy Serving Platter WAS-R289 tae SAVE R140 F

Latest specials

\ ,_ 161248 Quick Shake (500 ml) WASR209 \ AA 168993 x | io “Large Wonder SAVE R90 WASR1T x. \ 7 a c 3 SAVE R50 “Colours may vary 163407 | 126970 Bakers Delight | Micro Delight WASR289 | was Ri3g ary yer CoN AON : BIN 2 44 | The SAVER70 | SAVER40 162278 ee 162436 Mini Signature Rectangle (980 ml) . WASRO7E Allegra Sugar Dispenser \A LAO WAS R279 SAVE R110 ak gl Fas) SAVE R150 144194 Outdoor Dining Cutlery WAS RIzg SAVE R60 | —_ 163898 Legacy Serving Platter WAS-R289 tae SAVE R140 F

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