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Current special Russells - Valid from 26.12 to 04.01 - Page nb 4

Special Russells 26.12.2024 - 04.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

04 T arr 210i CHest Freezer [iq WHITE DMP470 Joo1so10 sear (ORRNONTHS R329 Tonmnea R342 Secstmoo” 2797 CHEST FREEZER WHITE KCG305WH 10298476 soweon ecstsaa R39 oAiniee R433 Deosri00 fees 5 YEAR Prange FREEZER INOX EEA) eect Med with more with «more SILVER H125CFS oto ral PER PeRMONTIOX 2 2 YEAR with more with more ees esas METALLIC DFF547 WAS R16999 with more | Heicut 750mm WIDTH 00mm DEPTH 650mm R642 SaosTee8 Pees aa Fa leigh eet) AERIS iat REED mee R1450 derosr mio with more os 5 YEAR Oa eL rd with more

Latest specials

04 T arr 210i CHest Freezer [iq WHITE DMP470 Joo1so10 sear (ORRNONTHS R329 Tonmnea R342 Secstmoo” 2797 CHEST FREEZER WHITE KCG305WH 10298476 soweon ecstsaa R39 oAiniee R433 Deosri00 fees 5 YEAR Prange FREEZER INOX EEA) eect Med with more with «more SILVER H125CFS oto ral PER PeRMONTIOX 2 2 YEAR with more with more ees esas METALLIC DFF547 WAS R16999 with more | Heicut 750mm WIDTH 00mm DEPTH 650mm R642 SaosTee8 Pees aa Fa leigh eet) AERIS iat REED mee R1450 derosr mio with more os 5 YEAR Oa eL rd with more

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