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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 24.10 to 20.11 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 24.10.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Hisense Titantium-Grey Finish Front-Loader Washing Machine WFPV9012T — Om Deposit K3500. K699 x 18 Months. SUPERIOR White 4-Plate Princess Deluxe Stove C400 { gy " \Aidea Kg999 Stalnices ap Kg99 16” Manual Deposit K250. eet we ay Deposit K250. Pedestal K69 x 18 Months. eeu K69x 18 Months. Fan CSVvc-128 BSAOsLEY * 1200W K419 Deposit K105. K39 x 18 Months. ; (DEFY) Auto Kettle K5 499 Black 4-Piate SAK100BKC Stove Deposit K1375. Kobo Months. DSS506 521 * Contents W not included K549 x18 Months, 1 : @ 4 © Russell Hobbs =. Steam Iron : 5 RHBI2010BL —— * 2000W -K1199 7B 8 Mont. PHILIPS Jar Blender | HR2056 eres K229 x 18 Months. Deposit K950. K209 x 18 Months. Deposit K400, K99x 18 Months. SUPERIOR 2-Plate Mini Oven Fwo43 DUAMONDEAACK 26” Mission 3.1 Mountain Bike WAHL Designer 6 Pro Hairclipper Kit K1599 Deposit K400 K99 x 18 Months \ K1399 posit K350, K89 x 18 Months. Aluminium Stock Pot J7 Deposit K800. K179 x 18 Months. Deposit K550. K129.x 18 Months Univa Metallic Manual Microwave Oven U20M ¢ 7OOW Silver Mirror-Door Electronic Microwave Oven DMO390 3

Latest specials

Hisense Titantium-Grey Finish Front-Loader Washing Machine WFPV9012T — Om Deposit K3500. K699 x 18 Months. SUPERIOR White 4-Plate Princess Deluxe Stove C400 { gy " \Aidea Kg999 Stalnices ap Kg99 16” Manual Deposit K250. eet we ay Deposit K250. Pedestal K69 x 18 Months. eeu K69x 18 Months. Fan CSVvc-128 BSAOsLEY * 1200W K419 Deposit K105. K39 x 18 Months. ; (DEFY) Auto Kettle K5 499 Black 4-Piate SAK100BKC Stove Deposit K1375. Kobo Months. DSS506 521 * Contents W not included K549 x18 Months, 1 : @ 4 © Russell Hobbs =. Steam Iron : 5 RHBI2010BL —— * 2000W -K1199 7B 8 Mont. PHILIPS Jar Blender | HR2056 eres K229 x 18 Months. Deposit K950. K209 x 18 Months. Deposit K400, K99x 18 Months. SUPERIOR 2-Plate Mini Oven Fwo43 DUAMONDEAACK 26” Mission 3.1 Mountain Bike WAHL Designer 6 Pro Hairclipper Kit K1599 Deposit K400 K99 x 18 Months \ K1399 posit K350, K89 x 18 Months. Aluminium Stock Pot J7 Deposit K800. K179 x 18 Months. Deposit K550. K129.x 18 Months Univa Metallic Manual Microwave Oven U20M ¢ 7OOW Silver Mirror-Door Electronic Microwave Oven DMO390 3

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