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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 06.02 to 19.02 - Page nb 1

Special OK Furniture 06.02.2023 - 19.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

” @Ls sare 700 K7299 Full HD K7799 Deposit K1825. LED TV Deposit K1950. 369 x 18 Months. K399 x 18 Months. SUPERIOR bse Black DE ari 4-Plate Regal Turbo Cooker ay ere 4 Men | KURLIN eres 20mm Byer ig Fridge tea /e as Deposit K4500. 3-Piece Selina Chaise 889 x 18 Months. Lounge Suite . ee rey imerded = -ascncuy\:) hit me ee ee ee ee ee

Latest specials

” @Ls sare 700 K7299 Full HD K7799 Deposit K1825. LED TV Deposit K1950. 369 x 18 Months. K399 x 18 Months. SUPERIOR bse Black DE ari 4-Plate Regal Turbo Cooker ay ere 4 Men | KURLIN eres 20mm Byer ig Fridge tea /e as Deposit K4500. 3-Piece Selina Chaise 889 x 18 Months. Lounge Suite . ee rey imerded = -ascncuy\:) hit me ee ee ee ee ee

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