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Current special Game - Valid from 24.08 to 06.09 - Page nb 16

Special Game 24.08.2022 - 06.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

MORE EXCITING DEALS. Grevaivount Geestvalve Kelogg'sNoodles —Selatirown = White StarSuper Excella ORE VALUE. Sszustee Urge ÂŁ99530 SxJogAsored — Sugar2ig”— MaueMesii0ig Sunflower ORL M Phones teh a oss esr na ee Ue) n anes) sy Oe & aes PORT Sct ake poy ed a ea eae A ANY5FOR S a> Loc Sr Imane stant oo cd feos Chilli ‘White OR and Spice OR Medium ‘Spices Assorted SOgAssorted Cheddar Cheese er cms Curry Powder 509 300 mt (ora ANY 5 for R60 wanes KalogesGla KaloggscocsPops —«Frespatre—Neslecremers | ‘Neseate cay Original 149 Crunchy ORFrutMix Original ORChocos __—~RooibosTea O's 12kg Soluble Chicory OR Gad Cottee 5009 5009 ‘and Coffee C0 9 Granules 750 » eS | Pasta Grande ExT r ; Macaroni aus . q DR Spaghetti at z - 5009 ANY2FOR| ANY2FOR) ANY2FOR: ANY2FOR — ANY2FOR : ay > , a Oo; 1s . : ANY 2 for R160 BakersRedLabel Cape Cookies Bakers Good CadburyDarry Mik Beacon Lguorice M&MsChocolate Sally Willams Nougat Biscuits 200 9 Meerkat 200 9 Hering Scans Slabs 80 gAssorted —_Allsorts 1509 08 Coated Candy OR Chocolate bag 300g =f parte R yards Sects x — aon 250 g assorted 1259 Assorted one = = = A Rr as \ a i i = = - el Ă© el S e ong ply Z 4 he -| Ps ) ANY2FOR Ă© ANY3 FOR & 4 AC 4 Rhodes 100% Quelle Natura StL Gros Orange 0 Daly's Premium Fanta, Stoney OR Sido Potato Fruit Juice Btend ‘Spring Water SL ‘Tropical Squash ‘Squash Concentrate Sprite Soft Drinks Chips 120 9 6x 200 miAssortes Concentrate SU 1SLAstorted 2t Assorted Coste Ute Cons — 6x 500m ringles 2 ae 2 2FOR J} Chips 100g = Assorted © Bakers ou | UES & aed Tennis Biscuits 200g Assorted 2FOR ANY2FOR 5 E pcb? h } ,°2 t [ Mw Gur fullMorettess Soa” Reyae” GreianleRurseagon, Gas” Bang cree catalogue online at 6x275mt 6x350 mt Premium Gin 750m Whisky 750 mt 750 mi Cognac 750 mt 38) aware’) DRINK RESPONSIBLY NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

Latest specials

MORE EXCITING DEALS. Grevaivount Geestvalve Kelogg'sNoodles —Selatirown = White StarSuper Excella ORE VALUE. Sszustee Urge ÂŁ99530 SxJogAsored — Sugar2ig”— MaueMesii0ig Sunflower ORL M Phones teh a oss esr na ee Ue) n anes) sy Oe & aes PORT Sct ake poy ed a ea eae A ANY5FOR S a> Loc Sr Imane stant oo cd feos Chilli ‘White OR and Spice OR Medium ‘Spices Assorted SOgAssorted Cheddar Cheese er cms Curry Powder 509 300 mt (ora ANY 5 for R60 wanes KalogesGla KaloggscocsPops —«Frespatre—Neslecremers | ‘Neseate cay Original 149 Crunchy ORFrutMix Original ORChocos __—~RooibosTea O's 12kg Soluble Chicory OR Gad Cottee 5009 5009 ‘and Coffee C0 9 Granules 750 » eS | Pasta Grande ExT r ; Macaroni aus . q DR Spaghetti at z - 5009 ANY2FOR| ANY2FOR) ANY2FOR: ANY2FOR — ANY2FOR : ay > , a Oo; 1s . : ANY 2 for R160 BakersRedLabel Cape Cookies Bakers Good CadburyDarry Mik Beacon Lguorice M&MsChocolate Sally Willams Nougat Biscuits 200 9 Meerkat 200 9 Hering Scans Slabs 80 gAssorted —_Allsorts 1509 08 Coated Candy OR Chocolate bag 300g =f parte R yards Sects x — aon 250 g assorted 1259 Assorted one = = = A Rr as \ a i i = = - el Ă© el S e ong ply Z 4 he -| Ps ) ANY2FOR Ă© ANY3 FOR & 4 AC 4 Rhodes 100% Quelle Natura StL Gros Orange 0 Daly's Premium Fanta, Stoney OR Sido Potato Fruit Juice Btend ‘Spring Water SL ‘Tropical Squash ‘Squash Concentrate Sprite Soft Drinks Chips 120 9 6x 200 miAssortes Concentrate SU 1SLAstorted 2t Assorted Coste Ute Cons — 6x 500m ringles 2 ae 2 2FOR J} Chips 100g = Assorted © Bakers ou | UES & aed Tennis Biscuits 200g Assorted 2FOR ANY2FOR 5 E pcb? h } ,°2 t [ Mw Gur fullMorettess Soa” Reyae” GreianleRurseagon, Gas” Bang cree catalogue online at 6x275mt 6x350 mt Premium Gin 750m Whisky 750 mt 750 mi Cognac 750 mt 38) aware’) DRINK RESPONSIBLY NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

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