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Current special House & Home - Valid from 24.02 to 09.02 - Page nb 6

Special House & Home 24.02.2025 - 09.02.2026

Products in this catalogue

C AMSUNG R10999 Serasseny R18999 eo (90cm) 4K Smart QLED TV 65” (165cm) 4K Smart LED TV SAVE R2000 YASSDU7000KXxA « 2-Year Guarantee SAVE R6000 GA75Q60DAKXXA + 2-Year Guarantee Buy the Samsung 65” Buy the Samsung 75” 4K Smart LED TV & 4K Smart QLED TV & Get the Samsung Get the Samsung 2.0-Channel Soundbar 3.1-Channel Soundbar HW-C400/XA with Wireless Subwoofer HW-B650D/XA FREE Worth Rag99 oe _ MSUNG R7999 skvworTH R22999 85” (216cm) 4K Smart 58” (147cm) 4K Ultra HD 60” (152cm) 4K SAVE R2000 Smart LED TV seacn SAVE R2000 Google Tv socesooc SAVE R7000 LED Tv Uaaspu7000Kxxa + 4-Year Guarantee + 3-Year Guarantee + 2-Year Guarantee ALSO AVAILABLE - * 50" [=O 50" (127cm) 4K Smart LED TV SOA6N rele} = oe s~(1doom) ak Smart QLED TV 5506N 1000 « Ba" (1ésem) ak Ultra HO Smart LED TV 65ASN R899, SAVE R1000 EYE-FRIENDLY 4K & Ss £3 DG Google tv ‘\ e See ene | SAVE R100 SAVE R100 SAVE R6OO ZN SAVE R2000 Poe R399 R699 R2899 e¢ZNece= 77999 Barkan CT Dstyv SONY Fixed 2K Explora Wall-Mount Streaming Seancsone Decoder Bracket Stick Sica BRAE407 LEAP Li udishand Mini Hi-Fi HCDSHAKEX10 * 2-Year Guarantee R2799 R4799 ssn R5999 R12999 Ey R11499 SAVE R200 are R2200 — SAVE R400 SAVE R2000 SAVE R1500 His e ONY Sa) 5.1-Ch 1 Soundb: Ri-channel a Channel polk $ OSS withsuswooter Soundbar Signa $4 Ee with Wireless Soundbar Subwoofer with Wireless HS5100 + S40W Subwoofer ith Whi STAGE 320 + 2-Year Guarantee’ + Up to 18 Hours Playtime, * Splash Proof fy Celeron Core iS Notebook J) Notebook R11 R14 R54 R109997sus_R11999@ SAVE R300 SAVER200each SAVE R500 a5 SAVE R2000 ¥ivobeck'7 save R1000 15s SONY SONY 178512BL2W = Y PSS Slim PS5 D fr Digital Controllers R La S re cone G Console cams accessosies js} Ss ans SAVE R200 _ SAMSUNG SAVER800 _ HONOR SAVE R300 © SAMSUNG — SAVERTOO © Wp oy, R2799% Galxyacss §=R24993 xen = RSG99E Salary ate = RGZ993 ae Weidatine * Ger Des Qsr si D Oo MP sup imp emp 0 nome: Elke camera Ones Onno, SOMP + 2MP + 2MP Some» 2MP Sot sie 2Me Some «amp ee elena remeanere Fomeatae rece nec 2seca — Biz Bes ( mel ms ss ace NEW a ges coe = er se soooman fy s200mah 0 sam 7000man ei ee) GBF ergina) Ewes Cragg) FBae Pt crroina) Eiki ite ee hc ck hn L cet Mmcnre nm met

Latest specials

C AMSUNG R10999 Serasseny R18999 eo (90cm) 4K Smart QLED TV 65” (165cm) 4K Smart LED TV SAVE R2000 YASSDU7000KXxA « 2-Year Guarantee SAVE R6000 GA75Q60DAKXXA + 2-Year Guarantee Buy the Samsung 65” Buy the Samsung 75” 4K Smart LED TV & 4K Smart QLED TV & Get the Samsung Get the Samsung 2.0-Channel Soundbar 3.1-Channel Soundbar HW-C400/XA with Wireless Subwoofer HW-B650D/XA FREE Worth Rag99 oe _ MSUNG R7999 skvworTH R22999 85” (216cm) 4K Smart 58” (147cm) 4K Ultra HD 60” (152cm) 4K SAVE R2000 Smart LED TV seacn SAVE R2000 Google Tv socesooc SAVE R7000 LED Tv Uaaspu7000Kxxa + 4-Year Guarantee + 3-Year Guarantee + 2-Year Guarantee ALSO AVAILABLE - * 50" [=O 50" (127cm) 4K Smart LED TV SOA6N rele} = oe s~(1doom) ak Smart QLED TV 5506N 1000 « Ba" (1ésem) ak Ultra HO Smart LED TV 65ASN R899, SAVE R1000 EYE-FRIENDLY 4K & Ss £3 DG Google tv ‘\ e See ene | SAVE R100 SAVE R100 SAVE R6OO ZN SAVE R2000 Poe R399 R699 R2899 e¢ZNece= 77999 Barkan CT Dstyv SONY Fixed 2K Explora Wall-Mount Streaming Seancsone Decoder Bracket Stick Sica BRAE407 LEAP Li udishand Mini Hi-Fi HCDSHAKEX10 * 2-Year Guarantee R2799 R4799 ssn R5999 R12999 Ey R11499 SAVE R200 are R2200 — SAVE R400 SAVE R2000 SAVE R1500 His e ONY Sa) 5.1-Ch 1 Soundb: Ri-channel a Channel polk $ OSS withsuswooter Soundbar Signa $4 Ee with Wireless Soundbar Subwoofer with Wireless HS5100 + S40W Subwoofer ith Whi STAGE 320 + 2-Year Guarantee’ + Up to 18 Hours Playtime, * Splash Proof fy Celeron Core iS Notebook J) Notebook R11 R14 R54 R109997sus_R11999@ SAVE R300 SAVER200each SAVE R500 a5 SAVE R2000 ¥ivobeck'7 save R1000 15s SONY SONY 178512BL2W = Y PSS Slim PS5 D fr Digital Controllers R La S re cone G Console cams accessosies js} Ss ans SAVE R200 _ SAMSUNG SAVER800 _ HONOR SAVE R300 © SAMSUNG — SAVERTOO © Wp oy, R2799% Galxyacss §=R24993 xen = RSG99E Salary ate = RGZ993 ae Weidatine * Ger Des Qsr si D Oo MP sup imp emp 0 nome: Elke camera Ones Onno, SOMP + 2MP + 2MP Some» 2MP Sot sie 2Me Some «amp ee elena remeanere Fomeatae rece nec 2seca — Biz Bes ( mel ms ss ace NEW a ges coe = er se soooman fy s200mah 0 sam 7000man ei ee) GBF ergina) Ewes Cragg) FBae Pt crroina) Eiki ite ee hc ck hn L cet Mmcnre nm met

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