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Current special President Hyper - Valid from 19.08 to 19.08 - Page nb 1

Special President Hyper 19.08.2022 - 19.08.2022

Products in this catalogue

ei FRIDAY president — th, PE R ONE DAY ONLY Friday 19 August 2022 from 8am - 7pm Oyen >) = oe PREPARED 2 MEALS ~ gina ; htm tna oe % LT? oN =. ne “fe, ete ee YS) ~ ‘en a y ~ Ss et Der AS & 4 oe 7) Perio | 2 ee or R70 00 i , LST he) co jacobs Long Grain Pe Ca) > Pen E ACC} ea Long Life Milk Pera eer ay ad Piette) UHT ‘ W Pel Pes Crees (excludes Decaf) Ly 99 —= ac ha ‘j mT ran ee Bie ey tee | | Bitlis cad es. ocr eu) a iL. _ 5 RSS 2's Tt A J etn) 1138's] 7” ; en ' WS Ma = = > | Chcnay bs ro) zy aa Toc Auto J es wees ss Buea | raat) ae AES uP ner i Reka Pears kia re ed ta RQ ro SET bi eee Lene 7 ae ei Scalers reer potearcy ae eer Washing Machine ce Metallic ae = BAO Prring ie) Cr ‘ Sat ta] une) Cerca) a) (OTL160) net Ln} 6 | Tel: 018 71 00 oa / |: 010 595 4501 Valid for ONE DAY ONLY Friday 19 August 2022 from 8am - 7pm

Latest specials

ei FRIDAY president — th, PE R ONE DAY ONLY Friday 19 August 2022 from 8am - 7pm Oyen >) = oe PREPARED 2 MEALS ~ gina ; htm tna oe % LT? oN =. ne “fe, ete ee YS) ~ ‘en a y ~ Ss et Der AS & 4 oe 7) Perio | 2 ee or R70 00 i , LST he) co jacobs Long Grain Pe Ca) > Pen E ACC} ea Long Life Milk Pera eer ay ad Piette) UHT ‘ W Pel Pes Crees (excludes Decaf) Ly 99 —= ac ha ‘j mT ran ee Bie ey tee | | Bitlis cad es. ocr eu) a iL. _ 5 RSS 2's Tt A J etn) 1138's] 7” ; en ' WS Ma = = > | Chcnay bs ro) zy aa Toc Auto J es wees ss Buea | raat) ae AES uP ner i Reka Pears kia re ed ta RQ ro SET bi eee Lene 7 ae ei Scalers reer potearcy ae eer Washing Machine ce Metallic ae = BAO Prring ie) Cr ‘ Sat ta] une) Cerca) a) (OTL160) net Ln} 6 | Tel: 018 71 00 oa / |: 010 595 4501 Valid for ONE DAY ONLY Friday 19 August 2022 from 8am - 7pm

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