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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 24.04 to 30.04 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 24.04.2023 - 30.04.2023

Products in this catalogue

eee Ee ay VNBEATABLE MONTA-E aN wd re ( aes ae > / Potato Pockets 7 kg Avocados Pork Rib 5 zi Chops Oxtail 6 FOR 17 oF ~ R50 ngs 592”, sa a | . oe $ 3 PF" 4 7 FO | 4 hm = Butro Butter Spread Tub 3 _ 4FOR R110 oF |R5O Food Lover's Blended La Belinda Chopped Seed & Extra Virgin or Peeled Tomato Olive O71 1L Cans 400 g 2FOR m « = = ry 1 j a Fatti's & Moni's Spaghetti | Food Lover's Instant Bakers Tennis = \\ x ‘or Macaroni 5! 1 | Coffee 200 g (Excl. Ne Biscuits 200 g Freeze Dried) R120 ws , R50 — ‘i is = a 922. i . A995" Rex 22%). a \ Free Sports Drink Assorted 630mi > per 100 i ry i R45 a 2F Vee Almonds Assorted F “3} You First Raw Honey | sf Gy Cashews or Mixed Nuts Endurade Sugar SCART SVU TBP 3 AMC eo RCD OL el a ROO LO Ret ea one eo eae Rnd eee a CL Lace Ua De TG ee ee ea ou Std

Latest specials

eee Ee ay VNBEATABLE MONTA-E aN wd re ( aes ae > / Potato Pockets 7 kg Avocados Pork Rib 5 zi Chops Oxtail 6 FOR 17 oF ~ R50 ngs 592”, sa a | . oe $ 3 PF" 4 7 FO | 4 hm = Butro Butter Spread Tub 3 _ 4FOR R110 oF |R5O Food Lover's Blended La Belinda Chopped Seed & Extra Virgin or Peeled Tomato Olive O71 1L Cans 400 g 2FOR m « = = ry 1 j a Fatti's & Moni's Spaghetti | Food Lover's Instant Bakers Tennis = \\ x ‘or Macaroni 5! 1 | Coffee 200 g (Excl. Ne Biscuits 200 g Freeze Dried) R120 ws , R50 — ‘i is = a 922. i . A995" Rex 22%). a \ Free Sports Drink Assorted 630mi > per 100 i ry i R45 a 2F Vee Almonds Assorted F “3} You First Raw Honey | sf Gy Cashews or Mixed Nuts Endurade Sugar SCART SVU TBP 3 AMC eo RCD OL el a ROO LO Ret ea one eo eae Rnd eee a CL Lace Ua De TG ee ee ea ou Std

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