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Current special Makro - Valid from 27.01 to 27.04 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 27.01.2025 - 27.04.2025

Products in this catalogue

Any 2 for R100 Any 2 for R100 (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) FIRST CHOICE Nice and Easy Ready-to-Eat-Meals Individually Wrapped Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) 350 g (All variants) 400 g. Any 2 for R100 3 forR100 (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) FARMHOUSE BLOSSOM LITE 25% Fat Spread Tub Tkg ice Cream (Altvarants) 1.8L Any 3 for R100 ‘Any 2 for R100 tea (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) 3 for R100 2 for R100 (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) Pa Von X ww wT self rai self raisir Wiheatflocr wheat ocr TeTLEY NOWFI FATTI'S & MONI BAKERS Black Tagless Teabags Self Raising Wheat Flour Bellissimo Pasta, Linguine, Bucatni Farfalle ProVita 02's 25kg Macaroni 800 g (altvariants) 500 g ‘Any 4 for R100 Any 4 for R100 Any 2 for R99 (Equates to R25 p/unit) (Equates to R49.50 p/unit) {equates to R25 p/unit) K SHI . Liu! FRUIT Flavoured Slushy Pouch (Al variant] 287 mt keLLose's 100% Fruit Juice a Snack Bar (alt variants) 1L Flavoured Slush PouchlAl variants) 237 ml (aitvariants) 5x36 g Any 4 for R100 Any 2 for R100 2 for R100 (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R25 p/unit) Lindl % ar capsuRY WILLARDS Chocolate Sticks Whispers orTumbles CCheasnaks Baler {All variants) 38 g {all variants) 200 g. 25x 22g In the mood to put all your eqqs (and everything else) ; in one basket? For over a year now, Makro has been named the most affordable grocery retailer in SA according to the Cheapest Basket Survey. Cee Ra ate UPAR ‘5/2025, STEELHILL.MKNLCA3386 In the mood for the lowest prices

Latest specials

Any 2 for R100 Any 2 for R100 (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) FIRST CHOICE Nice and Easy Ready-to-Eat-Meals Individually Wrapped Processed Cheese Slices (All variants) 350 g (All variants) 400 g. Any 2 for R100 3 forR100 (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) FARMHOUSE BLOSSOM LITE 25% Fat Spread Tub Tkg ice Cream (Altvarants) 1.8L Any 3 for R100 ‘Any 2 for R100 tea (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) 3 for R100 2 for R100 (Equates to R33.33 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) Pa Von X ww wT self rai self raisir Wiheatflocr wheat ocr TeTLEY NOWFI FATTI'S & MONI BAKERS Black Tagless Teabags Self Raising Wheat Flour Bellissimo Pasta, Linguine, Bucatni Farfalle ProVita 02's 25kg Macaroni 800 g (altvariants) 500 g ‘Any 4 for R100 Any 4 for R100 Any 2 for R99 (Equates to R25 p/unit) (Equates to R49.50 p/unit) {equates to R25 p/unit) K SHI . Liu! FRUIT Flavoured Slushy Pouch (Al variant] 287 mt keLLose's 100% Fruit Juice a Snack Bar (alt variants) 1L Flavoured Slush PouchlAl variants) 237 ml (aitvariants) 5x36 g Any 4 for R100 Any 2 for R100 2 for R100 (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R50 p/unit) (Equates to R25 p/unit) Lindl % ar capsuRY WILLARDS Chocolate Sticks Whispers orTumbles CCheasnaks Baler {All variants) 38 g {all variants) 200 g. 25x 22g In the mood to put all your eqqs (and everything else) ; in one basket? For over a year now, Makro has been named the most affordable grocery retailer in SA according to the Cheapest Basket Survey. Cee Ra ate UPAR ‘5/2025, STEELHILL.MKNLCA3386 In the mood for the lowest prices

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