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Current special Game - Valid from 01.10 to 31.12 - Page nb 6

Special Game 01.10.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Any 2 for R275 Catmor Cat Food 4 kg Assorted Thirsti Stilt Water 6x500 mt Any 2 for R95 f a O90 ag Rose's Cordial 750 mlAssorted 2 for R185 Roi Ol’ Roy Meaty Treats OL'Roy Adult Dog 120g Assorted Food 8 kg Assorted Any 6 forR54 Any 6 forR55 ina. a Om ¥ Ey REA) bi} BAS. a Bonaqua Pump Water Aquelle Natural Sparkling 750 ml Assorted OR Stitt Water 1.5L Any 3 for R45 Any 2 forR180 Both for R60 All forR150 Special Kitty Cat Scratching Block, Cat Coltar With Belt and Catnip Spray 250 mt OL Roy Plush Dog Toy Assorted + Imported Rawhide Medium Bone Any 4 for R30 Any 2 for R115 Reboost Energy Drink Red Bult Energy Drink 500 ml Assorted 4x 250 ml Assorted Any 6 for R105 Any 2 forR90 es 8 ee Coca-Cola Original, Pepsi Soft Dinks 2L WitdIstand Concentrate Oro Concentrated Orange ‘Schweppes 6 x 200 ml Dairy Blend 1LAssorted OR Tropical Squash SL Assorted Assorted 2 for R125 2 forR175 at Heineken Premium Lager " i Brutal Fruit Ruby Apple Miller Genuine Draft Beer NRB 650 mt en eeesanG Cans 6 x 500 mt Any 2 forR310 2 for R358 2 for R199 = fe w=) fey Loo) , =e 2 for R50 O’L Roy Plastic Dog Bowl 200 mm Lipton Ice Tea 1.5 LAssorted Any 6 for R75 aes Coca-Cola No Sugar, Fanta, Sprite OR Stoney Soft Drinks 1L Any 2 for R199 ae = Red Square Energiser Vodka OR Tequila NRB 6x 275 ml 2 for R299 ‘Smirnoff 1818 Vodka, Infusions Pineapple Cranberry & ‘ Lemon Black Crown Gin & Dry Lemon OR Watermelon — Belgravia London Klipdrift Export with Marula Can 6 x 440 mt Mint 750mt “ Dry Gin tL Three Ships Mash Tun 750 mt Brandy 750 mt Any 2 forR120 Any 3 for R130 Any 2 for R100 3 for R150 kwv fi >» A Sauvignon Blanc OR Chardonnay ‘Two Oceans = | OR Chenin ey Cabernet 4 Blanc OR =) Sauvignon Merlot Grenache ®. ®. OR Sauvignon Graca Rose OR Chateau Libertas Blanc750mt (a) a) Blanc 750 mt White Wine 750 mt Red Wine 750 mt Caer ce tyed Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. aware!

Latest specials

Any 2 for R275 Catmor Cat Food 4 kg Assorted Thirsti Stilt Water 6x500 mt Any 2 for R95 f a O90 ag Rose's Cordial 750 mlAssorted 2 for R185 Roi Ol’ Roy Meaty Treats OL'Roy Adult Dog 120g Assorted Food 8 kg Assorted Any 6 forR54 Any 6 forR55 ina. a Om ¥ Ey REA) bi} BAS. a Bonaqua Pump Water Aquelle Natural Sparkling 750 ml Assorted OR Stitt Water 1.5L Any 3 for R45 Any 2 forR180 Both for R60 All forR150 Special Kitty Cat Scratching Block, Cat Coltar With Belt and Catnip Spray 250 mt OL Roy Plush Dog Toy Assorted + Imported Rawhide Medium Bone Any 4 for R30 Any 2 for R115 Reboost Energy Drink Red Bult Energy Drink 500 ml Assorted 4x 250 ml Assorted Any 6 for R105 Any 2 forR90 es 8 ee Coca-Cola Original, Pepsi Soft Dinks 2L WitdIstand Concentrate Oro Concentrated Orange ‘Schweppes 6 x 200 ml Dairy Blend 1LAssorted OR Tropical Squash SL Assorted Assorted 2 for R125 2 forR175 at Heineken Premium Lager " i Brutal Fruit Ruby Apple Miller Genuine Draft Beer NRB 650 mt en eeesanG Cans 6 x 500 mt Any 2 forR310 2 for R358 2 for R199 = fe w=) fey Loo) , =e 2 for R50 O’L Roy Plastic Dog Bowl 200 mm Lipton Ice Tea 1.5 LAssorted Any 6 for R75 aes Coca-Cola No Sugar, Fanta, Sprite OR Stoney Soft Drinks 1L Any 2 for R199 ae = Red Square Energiser Vodka OR Tequila NRB 6x 275 ml 2 for R299 ‘Smirnoff 1818 Vodka, Infusions Pineapple Cranberry & ‘ Lemon Black Crown Gin & Dry Lemon OR Watermelon — Belgravia London Klipdrift Export with Marula Can 6 x 440 mt Mint 750mt “ Dry Gin tL Three Ships Mash Tun 750 mt Brandy 750 mt Any 2 forR120 Any 3 for R130 Any 2 for R100 3 for R150 kwv fi >» A Sauvignon Blanc OR Chardonnay ‘Two Oceans = | OR Chenin ey Cabernet 4 Blanc OR =) Sauvignon Merlot Grenache ®. ®. OR Sauvignon Graca Rose OR Chateau Libertas Blanc750mt (a) a) Blanc 750 mt White Wine 750 mt Red Wine 750 mt Caer ce tyed Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. aware!

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