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Current special Justine - Valid from 01.09 to 30.09 - Page nb 12

Special Justine 01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023

Products in this catalogue

CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2023 Offers valid from 1 t0 30 September 2023 SKINCARE TISSUE OIL SKINCARE FRAGRANCE MEN’S STORE wT STYLE STORE PROMOTIONS BATH & BODY | So} fon (at) LS) os foe} foe} Look out for our special gifting flame offers just for Wits you, marked Key) with this icon : OUR PROUD HERITAGE YOUR BEAUTY HOME FOR 50 YEARS This month we reflect on our heritage of being proudly South African & proudly you for 50 years. Our heritage boasts a portfolio of iconic products that have made a difference to so many lives. From supporting you with trusted products & the latest innovative technologies, made locally & clinically proven to work for your skin, to empowering women with the opportunity to partner with us & earn from these very products. We celebrate our legacy. We also support our communities through our iThemba initiative. For every product you purchase on this page, 100% of the profits are donated to our charity partners to help uplift our communities. We have become a part of the South African landscape, thanks to our innovators, our community, our consultants, & most of all, to you. Thank you for inspiring us for 50 years; thank you for being a part of our heritage. With love, PlustineSouthAlriceOfficol FRAME Direct delivery NOW evoiloble. South Aftico only. A’ f\O/ IF fer ony reosen your Justine product does not sotisly Siattstactior o your expectotions, it will be exchoaged for enother or the purchase price will be reimbursed. This guorentee is velid for two months from the date of invoice. Guorontee does LOW 70 EG fetums or service issues, kindly coll 087 O11 2866 ‘oF email justine queries@evon,com Manoging Disector — Avon Justine Seuth Aftico JUSTINE CUSTOMER CARE LINE Diets 0 Ghent, Hays (Nr, 8 hos 087 011 2866 Sovings based on Regula ices. Ail prices ere secommended rete prices. Prices volid only in Souther Africa. All prices include WAT YY & moy not be used for customs evelvotion. Your Justine 4 a Conseltcat will contect you regarding the date & place of - delivery/colecton of yeur oxdet

Latest specials

CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2023 Offers valid from 1 t0 30 September 2023 SKINCARE TISSUE OIL SKINCARE FRAGRANCE MEN’S STORE wT STYLE STORE PROMOTIONS BATH & BODY | So} fon (at) LS) os foe} foe} Look out for our special gifting flame offers just for Wits you, marked Key) with this icon : OUR PROUD HERITAGE YOUR BEAUTY HOME FOR 50 YEARS This month we reflect on our heritage of being proudly South African & proudly you for 50 years. Our heritage boasts a portfolio of iconic products that have made a difference to so many lives. From supporting you with trusted products & the latest innovative technologies, made locally & clinically proven to work for your skin, to empowering women with the opportunity to partner with us & earn from these very products. We celebrate our legacy. We also support our communities through our iThemba initiative. For every product you purchase on this page, 100% of the profits are donated to our charity partners to help uplift our communities. We have become a part of the South African landscape, thanks to our innovators, our community, our consultants, & most of all, to you. Thank you for inspiring us for 50 years; thank you for being a part of our heritage. With love, PlustineSouthAlriceOfficol FRAME Direct delivery NOW evoiloble. South Aftico only. A’ f\O/ IF fer ony reosen your Justine product does not sotisly Siattstactior o your expectotions, it will be exchoaged for enother or the purchase price will be reimbursed. This guorentee is velid for two months from the date of invoice. Guorontee does LOW 70 EG fetums or service issues, kindly coll 087 O11 2866 ‘oF email justine queries@evon,com Manoging Disector — Avon Justine Seuth Aftico JUSTINE CUSTOMER CARE LINE Diets 0 Ghent, Hays (Nr, 8 hos 087 011 2866 Sovings based on Regula ices. Ail prices ere secommended rete prices. Prices volid only in Souther Africa. All prices include WAT YY & moy not be used for customs evelvotion. Your Justine 4 a Conseltcat will contect you regarding the date & place of - delivery/colecton of yeur oxdet

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