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Current special Checkers - Valid from 19.09 to 23.10 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 19.09.2022 - 23.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

a a Itel 2163D =~ Peete k “ | Ls mL) Feature phone = ¢ "ef ni Waa | —Ovosicon ae Ea 1:05 Ue TT x ed = ae a . os = = Ula Tid Fm ©@ FM Radio (occ) ae = . ron o> PIE os 1 a vad Ceo ese Ty SAVE R10 SAVE R20 ticas) Gi ys oI =7 Fa) @E Mobicel Oreo Mobicel Neo ° entrants Smartphone 4G LTE Ce ey (PU awa (©) SMP +VGA Pp Android Cs of =) 8GB Tc):) = = 1 Lc] [cy ae = Pcs OPO” (etteioad SAVE R2 AVE R ° = SRE RSE Pree BDI! [ttre While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders. VAT included. Errors and Omissions excepted. Customer care line 0800 01 07 09. Top-Up Airtime and Data available in-store Ee cs

Latest specials

a a Itel 2163D =~ Peete k “ | Ls mL) Feature phone = ¢ "ef ni Waa | —Ovosicon ae Ea 1:05 Ue TT x ed = ae a . os = = Ula Tid Fm ©@ FM Radio (occ) ae = . ron o> PIE os 1 a vad Ceo ese Ty SAVE R10 SAVE R20 ticas) Gi ys oI =7 Fa) @E Mobicel Oreo Mobicel Neo ° entrants Smartphone 4G LTE Ce ey (PU awa (©) SMP +VGA Pp Android Cs of =) 8GB Tc):) = = 1 Lc] [cy ae = Pcs OPO” (etteioad SAVE R2 AVE R ° = SRE RSE Pree BDI! [ttre While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders. VAT included. Errors and Omissions excepted. Customer care line 0800 01 07 09. Top-Up Airtime and Data available in-store Ee cs

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