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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 08.04 to 14.04 - Page nb 11

Special Advance Cash&Carry 08.04.2024 - 14.04.2024

Products in this catalogue

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Protex Bath Soap} aim’ aia Touch of Pearl Sona Flower: ath Soap Bath S = Dettol EGE Frost bse ‘Soap \ » at 4 soap | Dettol a lon. ae - Lux =< ‘Sunlight! [> : 9°" —— MS ath Soap ic Bath Soap} Securex Bath Soap Bath Soap Bath Soap! ¥ FE 7 vrotex”. > Bath Soap a —eret mer ae | foe | PRUTT SCENE Johnson's: Satiskin Satiskin} Top Society Young & : et S mY we teat on Shower} Mousson Satiskin Suse Amabata Soap pa “@Fruit Scene : 2 « Gel Foam}. jand ae Bath Scap a wo Bath Wash Youngs Top Society Clere MEN Clere Nivea Dawn | gaaClere/Clere Men Body} Body Cream Body Cream Baty tatenl Body Lotion ’ Body Lotion | Lotion 60mi " Ingram’s oe ae p ] | Play Girl/ 350m Sa Camphor Sami | ae Z Body Talk jy Play Boy t Cle . . Cem Cream 3 fo 14 3 Body Lotion }F Votion/Cream i} 5 9 a 0} 500r imi | (Cream 40 6's 01 's wera Clere Pet Jelly) Original Only Slve Seat Johnson's} Top Society Elizabeth Anne's) hanes oy oe Baby Jey Tissue Oil Aqueous Cream| om = = Baby line : Aqueous Baby Line Johnson's 325m Petroleum| Cream Aqueous ‘Aqueous, < Jelly 0 Cream ow ar gins (| > Ae = a vo] EEL Top Society Nail Polish | 4 \ 1 ” 7 - fad Polish 1 Remover ( P- far Dolly Varden gh - ey Remover ( ( Glycerine ody Butter |p : Cream Serum Yon govatice } | = Vaagg] 100m138 eal) Gets @ | 9 4 is JA \Gncen) 7 E > Pond’s Vanishing Cream} Body Doc PI Kiwi Shoe Polish Be a layboy get ] = Tissue Ol ey Lip Ice Shower] gBlack Only > oe Pe amabala ae 5 = Tray Gell eam x 20. = 'S 00mi| 209 : Nivea Shaving ‘Super Max Foam Shaving eee Foam cal ec Gel Shower to is terine Mouth Wash ff Aquatresh Mouth Wash] Colgate Toothpaste 'Sensodyne Toothpaste} 1 ~~ shower Men} [it Fresh n Minty olds ml P-) iki veer 3 Shaving Foam] \. SBYANSE ) & Teele et as TO es _ — e am Dentazyme Toothpaste J Close up Toothpaste | pepsodent Toothpaste ) So!9ate Aquatresh Toothpaste — 0g 25g x 6's ‘Miple Action Toothpaste en _ Pare me LULU I sad Revange/| rota Perf [Moon Flower erfume Perfumes Pate q 65m A 100m! om an Saal a : Tea a ae a”: 20 . Swankie Mum} Addidas | Axe Axe Me ad er tC Rollon} _—_—Roll on} a Deo | Roll on Deo} Roll on Pray Gi 50 6's | MOM Som x 6's al 5 6's | 50m x 50m x 6's] 50m! x 6's) ki Peal Shower To Shower ‘oll On Women} q teed! Gat Bat sul MM S0miz | Bevery h » Gold Roll on [| Hill | -_ Deo} ’ _ Roll on Deodorant b=] 150ml x 6's [50m x 6's = B E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

v ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Protex Bath Soap} aim’ aia Touch of Pearl Sona Flower: ath Soap Bath S = Dettol EGE Frost bse ‘Soap \ » at 4 soap | Dettol a lon. ae - Lux =< ‘Sunlight! [> : 9°" —— MS ath Soap ic Bath Soap} Securex Bath Soap Bath Soap Bath Soap! ¥ FE 7 vrotex”. > Bath Soap a —eret mer ae | foe | PRUTT SCENE Johnson's: Satiskin Satiskin} Top Society Young & : et S mY we teat on Shower} Mousson Satiskin Suse Amabata Soap pa “@Fruit Scene : 2 « Gel Foam}. jand ae Bath Scap a wo Bath Wash Youngs Top Society Clere MEN Clere Nivea Dawn | gaaClere/Clere Men Body} Body Cream Body Cream Baty tatenl Body Lotion ’ Body Lotion | Lotion 60mi " Ingram’s oe ae p ] | Play Girl/ 350m Sa Camphor Sami | ae Z Body Talk jy Play Boy t Cle . . Cem Cream 3 fo 14 3 Body Lotion }F Votion/Cream i} 5 9 a 0} 500r imi | (Cream 40 6's 01 's wera Clere Pet Jelly) Original Only Slve Seat Johnson's} Top Society Elizabeth Anne's) hanes oy oe Baby Jey Tissue Oil Aqueous Cream| om = = Baby line : Aqueous Baby Line Johnson's 325m Petroleum| Cream Aqueous ‘Aqueous, < Jelly 0 Cream ow ar gins (| > Ae = a vo] EEL Top Society Nail Polish | 4 \ 1 ” 7 - fad Polish 1 Remover ( P- far Dolly Varden gh - ey Remover ( ( Glycerine ody Butter |p : Cream Serum Yon govatice } | = Vaagg] 100m138 eal) Gets @ | 9 4 is JA \Gncen) 7 E > Pond’s Vanishing Cream} Body Doc PI Kiwi Shoe Polish Be a layboy get ] = Tissue Ol ey Lip Ice Shower] gBlack Only > oe Pe amabala ae 5 = Tray Gell eam x 20. = 'S 00mi| 209 : Nivea Shaving ‘Super Max Foam Shaving eee Foam cal ec Gel Shower to is terine Mouth Wash ff Aquatresh Mouth Wash] Colgate Toothpaste 'Sensodyne Toothpaste} 1 ~~ shower Men} [it Fresh n Minty olds ml P-) iki veer 3 Shaving Foam] \. SBYANSE ) & Teele et as TO es _ — e am Dentazyme Toothpaste J Close up Toothpaste | pepsodent Toothpaste ) So!9ate Aquatresh Toothpaste — 0g 25g x 6's ‘Miple Action Toothpaste en _ Pare me LULU I sad Revange/| rota Perf [Moon Flower erfume Perfumes Pate q 65m A 100m! om an Saal a : Tea a ae a”: 20 . Swankie Mum} Addidas | Axe Axe Me ad er tC Rollon} _—_—Roll on} a Deo | Roll on Deo} Roll on Pray Gi 50 6's | MOM Som x 6's al 5 6's | 50m x 50m x 6's] 50m! x 6's) ki Peal Shower To Shower ‘oll On Women} q teed! Gat Bat sul MM S0miz | Bevery h » Gold Roll on [| Hill | -_ Deo} ’ _ Roll on Deodorant b=] 150ml x 6's [50m x 6's = B E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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