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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 19.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

GREAT DEALS ON KITCHENWARE ek: Bt eee CO hPa Mi Satin Metallic- - ee Pe Ee Erte ea Brae Loeihr ae Preah erences Meals Pronto List flac Hever area ; Eerie laa en) bp ees pa 780re | M3099 M3449 M1149 M1849 M2649 beat ai begat ts domi bat ie pr eee rt ts Poe Bertin Bes ike Tota Payable MOSS Total Payable MASS9 Tol Papa S00 Total Payable M2439 {otal Pate 300 stew ee eave w 20% bt at ht moe be Univa 5 (DEFY) @Lc - = x Mirror-Door Mirror-Door Neochef Microwave Black 3-Plate oar Microwave Oven Microwave Oven Kept Plug-in Stove H20MOMS11 H30MOMSSH te Gas Stove Pe eis eae Se uma poses Warranty © 2-Year Guarantee _. = ona) Pred Misery * 2-Year Guarantee 4 ied ree = White Chest Freezer He 105mm pie sis en Mm PM sada — WAHL fe x30 HomePro Per m29999 poe ari Ps oaont s nih Harcuting Kit Russell Hobbs Total Payable St fees a Scien aS ate Glass Kettle 1m bron erie omnis

Latest specials

GREAT DEALS ON KITCHENWARE ek: Bt eee CO hPa Mi Satin Metallic- - ee Pe Ee Erte ea Brae Loeihr ae Preah erences Meals Pronto List flac Hever area ; Eerie laa en) bp ees pa 780re | M3099 M3449 M1149 M1849 M2649 beat ai begat ts domi bat ie pr eee rt ts Poe Bertin Bes ike Tota Payable MOSS Total Payable MASS9 Tol Papa S00 Total Payable M2439 {otal Pate 300 stew ee eave w 20% bt at ht moe be Univa 5 (DEFY) @Lc - = x Mirror-Door Mirror-Door Neochef Microwave Black 3-Plate oar Microwave Oven Microwave Oven Kept Plug-in Stove H20MOMS11 H30MOMSSH te Gas Stove Pe eis eae Se uma poses Warranty © 2-Year Guarantee _. = ona) Pred Misery * 2-Year Guarantee 4 ied ree = White Chest Freezer He 105mm pie sis en Mm PM sada — WAHL fe x30 HomePro Per m29999 poe ari Ps oaont s nih Harcuting Kit Russell Hobbs Total Payable St fees a Scien aS ate Glass Kettle 1m bron erie omnis

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