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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVE "300 84499 sannattan Groy Oepettid.W teador . ‘Galfayaee fdas Washing Machine *’ ‘at 23.25% ht, DTL156 © 2-Year Warranty SAMSUNG Grey Top-Loader ao Washing Machine 1 Ti0snm WAISTS260BY. aa + 2-Year Guarantee tfbdiceded 10-Year Warranty eet n Digital Inverter SAVE 400 SAVE 300 SAVE *500 82999 83299 85199 Depont R00 Dept tn Dept 520 e803 Mot Petbe30 M be Moet Total Payable REISS Total Payable S33 Total Payable 10087 at 24.25% 2 20.29% a 23.25% et Univa Univa Some a Black 3-Pl Come Black Plug-in Stove Seve 4-Burner U305B © 2-Year Guarantee Gas Stove Dss514 * Contents. uGo168 not included °2-Year + 3-Year Warranty ‘SAVEP200 SAMSUNG Ri91 130 Monts Microwave “otal Payaie 018 Oven aLZ29% nt MESSER = B00W = 2-Year MADE i299 #1699 Ze Stanc - Black. ‘late Slimline Black Slimline ‘SAVE "200 P1299 standart mIB89 pcre simtne Blok Stig m799 CED, Rif 30 Months. R190 30 Months R16 30 Month. s., DCH290 DHD398: rk M,, DBOMIE ya ROSS al Pi bo a Pai oe Zen © 2-Year Warranty nage © 2-Year Warranty t22m © 3-Year Warranty Pepost ft Mirror Glass- ‘otal ‘aayig DOor Electronic at 23.25% int. Microwave: ‘SAVE "200 21399 Pate BivPxiwes SENOS Total Payate 3510 © Contents, = ot included ‘SAVE *30. ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE °50 ‘SAVE*70 ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE "50 DEFY. ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE "200 16999 29999 —R3.4g9s 29999 _4Qg #34999 Black 499 "1699 Manual aia ad 30 Monts. oon = Piaorso Mons. Aletryer Gace, — fit sialeam eat Sendvicn FF Tp DAR Ona6 White Katt Brushed «4, Steamiron S220 Maker Tel Payable R19 nazar © 1300W ow Aluminium inless 318059 Black 2-Plate 23.29% nL Kettle Katte: 2 1750W Russell Hobbs Spiral Hotplate +750 6-Piece © 2000W Easyglide dit Aluminium ~ tron Pot Set ¥ RHISOO - * 2400W, | \S ip sets ‘NOW ONLY ‘SAVE "30 ‘SAVE "100 ‘SAVE"100 ‘SAVE*100 ‘SAVE*100 ‘SAVE*150 SAJE"200 -KARCHER” 826999 16999 8849 8699 8999 @» "1699 "999 R1599 weta ory pert Deqea , Deora 70 Depot 0, Depest 7D. Depost 0D Gepost mtea” Vacuum Riese tne Pe tet Pao 30 Mo M300 Mts RabvDorne Wet & Dry fides 30 Mont Cleaner magneto want: Cee i ee farsa, Miwine wee” Lannunes, Clean ST ee ca whee xa mei ameke CAeke MBE M Cleaner Mae WOM 20 Haircutting Kit Ee EINHELL EINHELL GOLDAIR mie Corded Cordless: Industrial Electric Trimmer —_{mpact Drill 720W Angle Grinder ‘Standing Fan LS650 18V GISF-200 e 8\ = + @50W * 160W = “4 ALSO = AVAILABLE LAWNSTAR £4 Lawnmower LSMY2006L = 1000". iz 1699, Save R100 Ar AA 3

Latest specials

SAVE "300 84499 sannattan Groy Oepettid.W teador . ‘Galfayaee fdas Washing Machine *’ ‘at 23.25% ht, DTL156 © 2-Year Warranty SAMSUNG Grey Top-Loader ao Washing Machine 1 Ti0snm WAISTS260BY. aa + 2-Year Guarantee tfbdiceded 10-Year Warranty eet n Digital Inverter SAVE 400 SAVE 300 SAVE *500 82999 83299 85199 Depont R00 Dept tn Dept 520 e803 Mot Petbe30 M be Moet Total Payable REISS Total Payable S33 Total Payable 10087 at 24.25% 2 20.29% a 23.25% et Univa Univa Some a Black 3-Pl Come Black Plug-in Stove Seve 4-Burner U305B © 2-Year Guarantee Gas Stove Dss514 * Contents. uGo168 not included °2-Year + 3-Year Warranty ‘SAVEP200 SAMSUNG Ri91 130 Monts Microwave “otal Payaie 018 Oven aLZ29% nt MESSER = B00W = 2-Year MADE i299 #1699 Ze Stanc - Black. ‘late Slimline Black Slimline ‘SAVE "200 P1299 standart mIB89 pcre simtne Blok Stig m799 CED, Rif 30 Months. R190 30 Months R16 30 Month. s., DCH290 DHD398: rk M,, DBOMIE ya ROSS al Pi bo a Pai oe Zen © 2-Year Warranty nage © 2-Year Warranty t22m © 3-Year Warranty Pepost ft Mirror Glass- ‘otal ‘aayig DOor Electronic at 23.25% int. Microwave: ‘SAVE "200 21399 Pate BivPxiwes SENOS Total Payate 3510 © Contents, = ot included ‘SAVE *30. ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE °50 ‘SAVE*70 ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE "50 DEFY. ‘SAVE "50 ‘SAVE "200 16999 29999 —R3.4g9s 29999 _4Qg #34999 Black 499 "1699 Manual aia ad 30 Monts. oon = Piaorso Mons. Aletryer Gace, — fit sialeam eat Sendvicn FF Tp DAR Ona6 White Katt Brushed «4, Steamiron S220 Maker Tel Payable R19 nazar © 1300W ow Aluminium inless 318059 Black 2-Plate 23.29% nL Kettle Katte: 2 1750W Russell Hobbs Spiral Hotplate +750 6-Piece © 2000W Easyglide dit Aluminium ~ tron Pot Set ¥ RHISOO - * 2400W, | \S ip sets ‘NOW ONLY ‘SAVE "30 ‘SAVE "100 ‘SAVE"100 ‘SAVE*100 ‘SAVE*100 ‘SAVE*150 SAJE"200 -KARCHER” 826999 16999 8849 8699 8999 @» "1699 "999 R1599 weta ory pert Deqea , Deora 70 Depot 0, Depest 7D. Depost 0D Gepost mtea” Vacuum Riese tne Pe tet Pao 30 Mo M300 Mts RabvDorne Wet & Dry fides 30 Mont Cleaner magneto want: Cee i ee farsa, Miwine wee” Lannunes, Clean ST ee ca whee xa mei ameke CAeke MBE M Cleaner Mae WOM 20 Haircutting Kit Ee EINHELL EINHELL GOLDAIR mie Corded Cordless: Industrial Electric Trimmer —_{mpact Drill 720W Angle Grinder ‘Standing Fan LS650 18V GISF-200 e 8\ = + @50W * 160W = “4 ALSO = AVAILABLE LAWNSTAR £4 Lawnmower LSMY2006L = 1000". iz 1699, Save R100 Ar AA 3

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