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Current special Checkers - Valid from 22.05 to 11.06 - Page nb 4

Special Checkers 22.05.2023 - 11.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Pl ease) BUY 2FOR EYaxoH | SAVE R20 | Del “450mi/ “00m! Lotion ‘500ml gach ‘each Ae enn eee Dolly Varden Ingram's Body Dove Body Glycerine 2 x 100ml Cream All Variants Lotion All Variants EXCLUDING ay BUY ANY & BUY & | SAVE 23% | Exar PNT non EA] Es Bio-Oil Tissue Oil 25ml/ Bodi Doe Tissue Oil Reitzer's Epi-Max Body E45 Dermatological 60mI/125ml/200m! Each Cream 500mI Aqueous Cream Cream All Variants Vaseline Cp ny Mace "400m ach EEE Elem eta Wer SO ace Cream ioe a ete) Jelly All Variants eee ee Page 4

Latest specials

Pl ease) BUY 2FOR EYaxoH | SAVE R20 | Del “450mi/ “00m! Lotion ‘500ml gach ‘each Ae enn eee Dolly Varden Ingram's Body Dove Body Glycerine 2 x 100ml Cream All Variants Lotion All Variants EXCLUDING ay BUY ANY & BUY & | SAVE 23% | Exar PNT non EA] Es Bio-Oil Tissue Oil 25ml/ Bodi Doe Tissue Oil Reitzer's Epi-Max Body E45 Dermatological 60mI/125ml/200m! Each Cream 500mI Aqueous Cream Cream All Variants Vaseline Cp ny Mace "400m ach EEE Elem eta Wer SO ace Cream ioe a ete) Jelly All Variants eee ee Page 4

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