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BE HAVE Leas y A 4 Valid: 1. 9 Marc 0 PZUEULAN ES ota © sworzsnoe | @ Kozana | Fragram Drill 650 115mm Fragram Angle Grinder Trade Inverter Tradeweld inverter ‘Tradeweld inverter axl Each ‘650WW 115mm 1x1 Each Welder 200AMP 1x1 Each Welder 120MP 1x1 Each Welder 130AMP 1x1 Each Stock co an Siok ota Stock cote ne Stok coe 8 Steck coe its Stok ode uso rorthnox 24 tockbody Forthnos Locket at rorthnoe Locket Trojan Lockset2 chrome Mieiaaeia Tadeweld Welding fi Crele364 38mm Tucan Ontystel ns Eon stored in Pock Chrome De Pack ina Bares 64st coaeueenas Stock code: 140586 Stock code 1188/162816/78 Stock code 16189 stock code: 152484 Sill csle ti Trojan Window Handle Super Glue Sticko fuwag Send Paper m Roll Nal We 75m -z5mm ‘Trojan Butt Hinge 100mm Fragram Builders ‘Aluminium tel Each 4o/P60 1x1 Each bake 1x1 Pair Line 100m 1x3 Each Seca wale Stock code: 23091 Stock coe: 4245/6 Stock code: 156579/160198/059 Stock code: 183429 Seal eee Exstove Plate” Blu Spiral Redisson Wall solator NUR Circuit Breaker 10-258 Pays GU1O LED TW Asstd Pays LED AsO 9W E27 PAYS Wall Socket White 2000 axt Each 308 Dx1Each ax Each tal Each xl Each 4x42x3 Pin tx Each . crt 7a Baer ey a eee : | wu Stock code: 6424s Stock code: 161821 Stock code: 19635/6/1/8 Stock code: 188275744795 Stock code: 801067 Stock code: 180203 Halo Solar lod ight 3500+ Hello Fan Light (7501) Flood Light LED ZAP Plug Top Pays Lampholder Pack Elec Pve Conduit Panel VE xt Each 10W PAYS 1x1 Each fubber’ Pin 1x1 Each Batten Nylon 622 1x4'S 2ommxdm 1x1 Each Ly Ts Listed it oun ae Baar) MS Stock code: 140499 Stock code: 189987 Stock code: 143400 Stock coe: 22003 Stock code: 2030 Stock code: 150381 Kessler Shower Arm Kessler Lever Basin Mixer Kessler Basin Mixer Kesster Akira Square Wall Bound Wood cue Bound Silicone Assorted Square 400mm 1x1 Each baa Each xl Each Kitchen Mixer 1x1 Each 1xa00m ve2somt Bound Rainblok SL + Mem- Nasca Spray Paint Clear Robust Paint Brush G/Series, Safari Gloss Enamel Black Medal Putty Bound Crack Filler, Each wat brane 1x1 Each 25mm 1x1 Each 1%500g tt) } Ch Fl a Gd Bad Stock code: 1641978/9 Stock code: 147828 Stock code: 129536 Stock code: 23662 Stock code: 23678 Stock code: 158378 Shield Sheen Asstd Shield Sheen Assorted Shield Miraplate Car Polish Viking Brake Fluid Viking Gearoil EP90 Shield Anti Freeze 147501 ia 1x300mt 1xs00mt Dota xsoom 3x500ml 50% Assorted 1x1 gam Stock code: 19574 7 Stock code: 12178 Sivek codes Stock code: 195385 Stock code: 195390 Stock code: 23525 a “The management of AFRICA CASH & CARRY reserve the right to limit quantity ANP NC Naa reed ‘27 (11) 661 6600 Cente eee eee ‘SIMPLY MESSAGE US ON: +27 83 285 3815 Cnr Crownwood Road & Coach Street Ror eet odes tee a pec eta aie a a er oe ico eens AL o i @ Bites)
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