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Current special President Hyper - Valid from 21.10 to 24.10 - Page nb 6

Special President Hyper 21.10.2022 - 24.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

f I C ‘ uC ) ant eN SATURDAY 17) Pane ese Peer) ey Poe AIWA (aws20c) Kenwood Pressure Cooker 14in KENWOOD éLt (PCMs0) | Goldair Air Cooler (GAC-700W) Defy Top Loader Washing Mi Machine Metallic 14 kg (DTL160) Pr iceta toad ery neg De Eg ea CUE ORCC Rel lo FOCHVILLE: President Square: Comer Losberg Avenue & Church Street, Fochville, 2515 | Tel: 018 771 6300 VAAL: President Square: Comer Playfair Boulevard & Ascot on Vaal, Vereeniging, 1930 | Tel: 010 595 4500 KRUGERSDORP: President Square: Comer Market & Pretoria Streets, Krugersdorp, 1739 | Tel: 011 951 3200 Ro he ae Maes ie) aoe Re Aa Ce Monday to Friday - 8am to 7pm, Saturday Bam to 6pm, Sunday & Public Holiday's 8am to Spm 4 DAYS ONLY SUNDAY PAD ie iy) ee (HFP90) teed Russel Hobbs Mist Fan (RHMF16) with Water Dispenser| Metallic 222Lt (H310BIT-WD ) 2799 TELEFUNKEN Kenwood. Air Fryer Oven 44Lt ca (jit MONDAY Peers Peay 260Lt (AGB53011NX ore eae KENWOOD Kenwood Dual Airfryer eed Georg Saturday 22 October 2022 Aras Monday 24 October 2022 rrr president ——HY PER Dee et eC 44799 | TELEFUNKEN 55" FHD LED TV (TLEDD-55FHD) (LT-55PUTS215 a KENWOOD ‘enwood Multipro Express (0M71.4508S) Delonghi Expresso / ty Side by Side Fridge Freezer with Water Dispenser 555Lt | (OFF 447-wo) Rc te) We strve to ensure all printed information is correct, but Riretener rca tien tea

Latest specials

f I C ‘ uC ) ant eN SATURDAY 17) Pane ese Peer) ey Poe AIWA (aws20c) Kenwood Pressure Cooker 14in KENWOOD éLt (PCMs0) | Goldair Air Cooler (GAC-700W) Defy Top Loader Washing Mi Machine Metallic 14 kg (DTL160) Pr iceta toad ery neg De Eg ea CUE ORCC Rel lo FOCHVILLE: President Square: Comer Losberg Avenue & Church Street, Fochville, 2515 | Tel: 018 771 6300 VAAL: President Square: Comer Playfair Boulevard & Ascot on Vaal, Vereeniging, 1930 | Tel: 010 595 4500 KRUGERSDORP: President Square: Comer Market & Pretoria Streets, Krugersdorp, 1739 | Tel: 011 951 3200 Ro he ae Maes ie) aoe Re Aa Ce Monday to Friday - 8am to 7pm, Saturday Bam to 6pm, Sunday & Public Holiday's 8am to Spm 4 DAYS ONLY SUNDAY PAD ie iy) ee (HFP90) teed Russel Hobbs Mist Fan (RHMF16) with Water Dispenser| Metallic 222Lt (H310BIT-WD ) 2799 TELEFUNKEN Kenwood. Air Fryer Oven 44Lt ca (jit MONDAY Peers Peay 260Lt (AGB53011NX ore eae KENWOOD Kenwood Dual Airfryer eed Georg Saturday 22 October 2022 Aras Monday 24 October 2022 rrr president ——HY PER Dee et eC 44799 | TELEFUNKEN 55" FHD LED TV (TLEDD-55FHD) (LT-55PUTS215 a KENWOOD ‘enwood Multipro Express (0M71.4508S) Delonghi Expresso / ty Side by Side Fridge Freezer with Water Dispenser 555Lt | (OFF 447-wo) Rc te) We strve to ensure all printed information is correct, but Riretener rca tien tea

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