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Current special House & Home - Valid from 22.08 to 04.09 - Page nb 3

Special House & Home 22.08.2022 - 04.09.2022

Products in this catalogue

ENERGY RATING H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm NS: 3999 Metallic Twin-Tub Washing Machine DTT151 53999 Univa White Chest Freezer UC310W 2-Year Guarantee ENERGY RATING H 860mm, W 065mm D 635mm weal |: be Wa Te Metallic Chest Freezer CF210 DMF451 ¢ 3 + 2 Years (with registration) Warranty CC energy efficient NSAQ99 NS4599 ( Manhattan Grey Manhattan Grey Front-Loader Air-Vented Washing Machine Tumble Dryer DAW 382 DTD230 ° 3-Year © 2-Year Warranty Warranty cs Titanium Top-Loader Washing Machine WTY1802T © 3 + 1-Year (with registration) Guarantee * 8 Automatic Programmes * Smart Fuzzy Logic Control * Double Water inlets Ho 110mm * LED Display and Child Lock W. 685mm = fime Delay Function . lembrane Injection Dirionn Molding Control Panel Technology Bech NS4QQ9Q Ge: SAVE White Stall 13-Place Dishwasher Dpw230 *3-Year Warranty H_ 850mm W 598mm D 600mm Make municipal and other account payments at our in-store Money Market Counter

Latest specials

ENERGY RATING H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm NS: 3999 Metallic Twin-Tub Washing Machine DTT151 53999 Univa White Chest Freezer UC310W 2-Year Guarantee ENERGY RATING H 860mm, W 065mm D 635mm weal |: be Wa Te Metallic Chest Freezer CF210 DMF451 ¢ 3 + 2 Years (with registration) Warranty CC energy efficient NSAQ99 NS4599 ( Manhattan Grey Manhattan Grey Front-Loader Air-Vented Washing Machine Tumble Dryer DAW 382 DTD230 ° 3-Year © 2-Year Warranty Warranty cs Titanium Top-Loader Washing Machine WTY1802T © 3 + 1-Year (with registration) Guarantee * 8 Automatic Programmes * Smart Fuzzy Logic Control * Double Water inlets Ho 110mm * LED Display and Child Lock W. 685mm = fime Delay Function . lembrane Injection Dirionn Molding Control Panel Technology Bech NS4QQ9Q Ge: SAVE White Stall 13-Place Dishwasher Dpw230 *3-Year Warranty H_ 850mm W 598mm D 600mm Make municipal and other account payments at our in-store Money Market Counter

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