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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 08.11 to 19.12 - Page nb 4

Special Builders Warehouse 08.11.2022 - 19.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

1 | DH Cup & Cord Lamp ate) (e lla hee Naz | 2 | DH Large LED Bell Pendant Globe 8 w; £27 ra79/( om Plastic Ellipse Woven Pendant Light White; 11 W LED globe (not included) (734224) Wicker Pendant Light Black; Natural sustainable material; Indoor use only (763950) Page 4 of 16 "998 Metal & Rattan Pendant Light £27 fitting; 60 W; Metal frame with rattan shade (731679) Rattan Dome Pendant Light | Natural sustainable material; Indoor use only (755985) at DH Rattan Dome Pendant Light avaitable in natural R999 (755985) | Dy eee cute ete er uc | See [1 DH Cup & Cord Lamp Holder UAL eee ul Coe Le aU Relea ce 755512; 710975; 644583; 644574; |e | PSM M-lcel BMPR eaters Globe 4 w; £27 Ra19 (720737) | 9 | A LED Mehl Pendant Fo DH Large LED SS Pendant Globe Pee oN Ln PY C nr ean Eis irineercenneti tc | 3 | Brightstar Large Twine Pendant Light availab’ thr 168) | | Pies Hee SUAS: \ jhe | EGLO ' Flat Wood Trim Wi i ge : Pendant Light | Tindori Available in black & | Pendant Light white; 40 W ES globe (not included); €27 fitting; 12-month warranty (734151; 734152) Available in maple; Adjustable cable suspension; E27 fitting; 60 W incandescent globe (not included) (634049) *979 designhouse’ 3-light Metal Pendant Light Available in black & white; £27 fitting; Metal cup design (733014; 731682) Bi -light R379 (731687; 731680) Metal Sphere Pendant Light Black; 3-light fittings; "999 A129 wetenewsones | QO Terns & conaitions apply, For our full disclaimer please see the back page of this promotion. Prices vald from 8 November - 19 December 2022

Latest specials

1 | DH Cup & Cord Lamp ate) (e lla hee Naz | 2 | DH Large LED Bell Pendant Globe 8 w; £27 ra79/( om Plastic Ellipse Woven Pendant Light White; 11 W LED globe (not included) (734224) Wicker Pendant Light Black; Natural sustainable material; Indoor use only (763950) Page 4 of 16 "998 Metal & Rattan Pendant Light £27 fitting; 60 W; Metal frame with rattan shade (731679) Rattan Dome Pendant Light | Natural sustainable material; Indoor use only (755985) at DH Rattan Dome Pendant Light avaitable in natural R999 (755985) | Dy eee cute ete er uc | See [1 DH Cup & Cord Lamp Holder UAL eee ul Coe Le aU Relea ce 755512; 710975; 644583; 644574; |e | PSM M-lcel BMPR eaters Globe 4 w; £27 Ra19 (720737) | 9 | A LED Mehl Pendant Fo DH Large LED SS Pendant Globe Pee oN Ln PY C nr ean Eis irineercenneti tc | 3 | Brightstar Large Twine Pendant Light availab’ thr 168) | | Pies Hee SUAS: \ jhe | EGLO ' Flat Wood Trim Wi i ge : Pendant Light | Tindori Available in black & | Pendant Light white; 40 W ES globe (not included); €27 fitting; 12-month warranty (734151; 734152) Available in maple; Adjustable cable suspension; E27 fitting; 60 W incandescent globe (not included) (634049) *979 designhouse’ 3-light Metal Pendant Light Available in black & white; £27 fitting; Metal cup design (733014; 731682) Bi -light R379 (731687; 731680) Metal Sphere Pendant Light Black; 3-light fittings; "999 A129 wetenewsones | QO Terns & conaitions apply, For our full disclaimer please see the back page of this promotion. Prices vald from 8 November - 19 December 2022

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